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The LDS Divorce Survivors is pleased to announce their 4th Annual Divorce Support Retreat, themed “Press Forward With A Steadfastness in Christ.” It will be held June 7-8 at the Church’s beautiful Heber Valley Camp, nestled in the majestic mountains of Heber, Utah. This cabin living experience includes wonderful speakers, challenge courses, paddle boats and canoes, hikes, “Saturday Nerf warriors,” and helpful workshops. There are classes on self defense, cell-phone photography, co-parenting post-divorce, and “reframing” one’s life.
This is not your typical “Singles Conference” setting as many coming are not “single.” Some are still plowing through their divorce, most are at some stage of post divorce, and some are remarried working out their blended families. Many survivors are not yet ready to enter the “Dating” scene, and “Singles” activities scare them as they strive to get a foothold on their lives again.
Each year this retreat’s focus is on giving them the tools for starting over, a community of empathetic support, a chance to fill their spiritual cups, and an opportunity to have a little fun while they are at it. Speakers include Scot and Maurine Proctor, also divorce survivors, who have made a huge impact on the world in their “second chance” at their eternal family unit. They are a powerful couple as the founders of Meridian Magazine, do public speaking, and run tours worldwide.
Another favorite is the popular David Christensen, Institute Director at the University of Utah. His BYU Education Week audience packs the Marriot Center every year. Having lived the divorce experience vicariously through a son, he gives a clear, heart warming, and humorous approach to the doctrine surrounding split marriages in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Randy Roberts, DDS, from the YouTube sensation; Kid History, and Kid Snippets, is also one of our “Divorce Survivors” with the refining that comes through the “Gethsemane” of divorce in our religious, “families are forever” culture. He has since remarried, and now has four children with one on the way.
Divorce is a lonely business, but it doesn’t have to be. Coming together with other like-situated individuals has been the best decision those facing divorce can make. With a retreat focused directly on giving support, healing and coping tools, gaining strength to endure a very painful and tragic life detour, anyone dealing with divorce can come away going from being a victim, to survivor, to full blown thriving.
Lisa McDougle, CLC, founder of the Support Group, LDS Divorce Survivors, claims she will not feel it has been a success unless she gets a laugh out of each individual at least once. “Laughter is the best medicine, and sometimes we just need to have a little fun with friends in order to start the healing process. Being surrounded by gorgeous mountains doesn’t hurt either. Each year folks show up wondering what they have got themselves into, and by the time they leave have gained a new family that continues to get together year round. That is the type of community that is so desperately needed during the lonely trial of divorce.”
To register and for more information, go to: Everything is included in the full event price of $85, with partial event options available.