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April 17, 2024

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Chuck WhickerFebruary 19, 2013

I think if we take into account the consistent testimony of the scriptural record, we will draw the conclusion that it is not necessarily the anger that is wrong, or ungodly, but one's failure to be in control of it and act in principle regardless of the emotion of the moment. God himself is as capable of anger as he is of loving kindness, and this is an important aspect of his spiritual language. Moroni, also, acted in perfect godliness when he became angry at the traitors and took up the title of liberty to march against them. Many places it says that Moses was "wroth", etc. But these men always acted according to principle, and did the right thing. Love, like anger, or any other emotion, can cause a person to act out of emotion and disregard PRINCIPLE. That's called emotinalism, and is the root of rebellion. Did not the man who "put forth his hand to steady the ark" do so out of love? Yet he broke a law, or covenant, and received the same immediate penalty as if he had done it out of anger. Anger has its place, and is part of the language of all creatures, just as love is. As with love, anger can be abused. Such is the case with language, itself. Used properly, it is the language of godliness.

BevFebruary 18, 2013

Thank you for your article. It was so enlightening and so well taught. Perhaps one of my biggest "ah-ha" moments, was to realize that anger came when I selfishly put my own needs and feelings before the feelings and needs of others. I thought I was a self-less person... I am working on it! Thank you for this article, it provides more tools with which to make a experience at a time! Thank you.

TrevorFebruary 15, 2013

"When I became excited, fanatical, and over-zealous, I mistakenly thought it was the Spirit of the Lord, but have learned better, as the Holy Ghost does not operate that way. My testimony is that the internal fruits of the Holy Ghost are joy, peace, patience, long suffering, and kindness.

PamFebruary 15, 2013

Wow, excellent article.

Richard PriceFebruary 15, 2013

Anger can certainly be a source of determination, but as the movie says it is usually a part of "the dark side".



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