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January 24, 2025

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AnnePDecember 5, 2016

joseph Smith said the New York Hill Cumorah was the hill where the final battle for both the nephites and the Jaredites. (See Letter VII written by Oliver Cowdery AT THE DIRECTION of joseph Smith. No where does it say the entire army was on one hill. Mormon had just 10,000 with him and others would have been on surrounding hills.

RitaNovember 27, 2016

Patricia: dec·i·mate ˈdesəˌmāt/ verb past tense: decimated; past participle: decimated 1.kill, destroy, or remove a large percentage or part of. "the project would decimate the fragile wetland wilderness" 2.(historical) kill one in every ten of (a group of soldiers or others) as a punishment for the whole group. Current definition includes the elimination of much more than 1/10. The word is being used properly.

DonNovember 20, 2016

Good read. I see there is an upcoming Book of Mormon tour to Honduras--wish I could go. I'd like to see what the Promised Land looks like.

okmNovember 15, 2016

Who is this author that seems to raise doubt about Mormon's claims and suggests the numbers may have been grossly exaggerated? If these were not leaders in command of 10,000 each would it not likely have approximated those numbers? Hey, maybe the actual numbers were greater than 10,000 each. Where does the author suggest this possibility as well?

Francis TurnerNovember 15, 2016

@Joe McGeady No, there has not been excavation work at the Hill Cumorah as far as we know. This is because we don't know where the hill is. The hill in New York called the Hill Cumorah was where Moroni buried the golden plates but is not where the final battle of the Nephites was. Moroni just called the (what is now New York) hill the same name as the one where his people died.

ojmNovember 15, 2016

You also have to remember that the battle at Cumorah was probably a DIFFERENT Cumorah than the hill in upstate New York where the plates were deposited as Moroni wandered for quite some time after that final battle before depositing the plates.

Patricia WintersNovember 15, 2016

"Decimated" means reduced by one-tenth. "Completely decimated" is an oxymoron.

Charles DeWittNovember 15, 2016

Thoughtful and faithful inquiries in this article are appreciated. Loved the picture by Minerva Teichert. ...this reminds me; When and how are the 3 winners of the book of paintings by her going to be awarded? Thank you.

Joe McGeadyNovember 15, 2016

Has there ever been any excavation work done in the Hill Cumorah are? Did that show up any bones from mass graves? That might give an idea of how many lost their lives in this battle.



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