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February 13, 2025

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Judith La MontagneSeptember 28, 2016

Wendy Ulrich has written a masterpiece on the roles of men, women, and the priesthood. Wendy is an articulate purveyor of deep truths. I have read and even reported on her books in the past. I echo Marie's comments concerning women being "put in their place" during earlier times, but this outlook was a reflection of society as a whole, not just the Church. Thankfully, our prophets today preach of the importance of women's roles in the Church and their participation in priesthood power. The Church would indeed have a difficult time without the inspiration and talents of the sisters and especially, as Wendy states, their exercise of the priesthood by assuming the power of motherhood

Craig FrogleySeptember 28, 2016

This was one of the very best I have read on this subject... well done. I have noticed in the scriptures several references to priesthood and priesthood power that lead me to believe that there are certain spiritual gifts that make priesthood powerful: JST Genesis 14:30 - priesthood power by faith DC 20:60 - ordained by the power of the Holy Ghost DC 121:41-43 Power through love DC 84:21 - power through authorized ordinances I am certain there are more but I can't help but note that no source of personal power is denied to women. In fact it seems that faith, sensitivity to the HG and Love seem to be almost universal gifts of women perhaps augmented through motherhood.

CherylSeptember 28, 2016

This is profound. I will be re-reading it several times.

Anne PrattSeptember 28, 2016

Brilliantly written Wendy! Thanks for your well-thought out article.

MarieSeptember 28, 2016

Thank you for this. I wish these truths had been known and taught during my lifetime. So much falsehood was taught instead. Women were thoroughly put in their place whenever they tried to exercise any power or authority in the church. And if you are criticized for exercising the power and authority you have been given, women become discouraged and families fail. How false were the cultural norms that were taught. How grateful I am for the teaching of truth.



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