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February 15, 2025

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Frances DalleySeptember 22, 2016

While I don't live in Utah, I am surprised to hear there are so many willing to vote for Clinton, who has such strong views on abortion at end of pregnancy and whom does not support religious liberty ie: Hobby Lobby and the Nun's suit against the Obamacare requirements in that regard. Also Clinton's past of lying and dishonesty in general along with her treatment of her Security Detail as noted in their books, leads me to wonder how we as Latter Day Saints and Christians in general could honestly vote for her. While I don't admire Trump's life either, I find his platform of law and order, and law of the land (immigration) which I'm sure the church would not deny is a sovereign right of any nation to protect its citizens. I will vote for Trump as a conservative in CA.

Isabel MorkelSeptember 22, 2016

I am definitely supporting Donald Trump,How any LDS member can support Hillary Clinton is beyond comprehension. She is totally without any moral fiber, even having no compunction in abortion practices, and having np problem in late term 'executions' of unborn babies.

Tom BurlesonSeptember 22, 2016

I have never heard such a stance on substance versus gossip. Please let the spirit guide you instead of Mitt Romney!

MackSeptember 22, 2016

Then Mr McMullin would be a great person for Trump to work with. There will only be one of the two elected. Hillary or Trump. Supreme Court Justices that will uphold the Constitution and keep our country in check is where we should be focused. So What kind would Hillary appoint? What kind would Trump appoint? How do they each regard the constitution? Trump is better than Hillary in both aspects.

A. BurgessSeptember 22, 2016

I would have to deny the 13th Article of Faith in order to vote for Hillary. I am not a great fan of some of Mr. Trumps statements, but I strongly support his stated purpose of selecting Supreme Court Justices that will support and defend the constitution and not legislate from the bench. I don't believe any of the third party candidates have a chance and the more votes they take from the Republican candidate will only help the Democrat candidate.

Gail WasdenSeptember 22, 2016

Hillary's support among Latter-day Saints has always surprised me since her past history is one of questionable character and actions, and her current positions include criticism of people with strong religious connections and values. I don't see her as a friend to Latter-day Saints at all. But the greatest concern should be the future since the next president will be able to name at several Supreme Court Justices and they will very likely be people with strong liberal agendas. We really are facing a time of evil being called good and good evil and this election is proving to be an especially challenging one side neither candidate inspires great confidence.

L.JaySeptember 22, 2016

I'm LDS and live in Utah. I will be voting for Donald Trump. My vote for Mr. Trump has a lot more to do with protecting the courts than the man himself. If my fellow Latter-Day Saints including Mitt cannot see that the left in this country uses the courts to legislate and make law which is not their purpose, then we deserve what we get as a result of a Hillary presidency. Shame on us for turning our backs on the United States constitution that we claim is a Devine document.

sueSeptember 22, 2016

Evan McMullin is on our ballot. He worked for the CIA for ten years infiltrating ISIS, is a conservative, was a member Homeland Security, is for less government, knows how to get rid of ISIS, and knows more about foreign policy than any of the candidates. He entered at the last minute, is now on 27 state ballots, and going full steam ahead and gaining the support of people in Congress and other important people. Google him to watch his videos, speeches, and learn about him. A Great LDS man.

Bob BruceSeptember 22, 2016

The Democrat Party presides over and encourages the deaths of millions of unborn babies every year. The blood of these innocent and defenseless children is on the hands of everyone who votes for them and sustains this barbaric practice. I'm voting for Donald Trump. His promises to the Pro-Life community have earned my respect and my endorsement.

Jerome TewSeptember 22, 2016

I think Thrump is misinformed about the LDS Church members. If you folks in Utah do not know that Hillary is corrupted, then you are not listening.I think Mitt Romney should keep quite, he is not running. Hillary is 4 more years of Obama and both are the biggest liars of all time. I do not see how any LDS can vote for Hillary. Think of the Judges she will appoint and what that we do to all Mormons. Romney had his chance and choked. He had Obama on the ropes. If you folks vote for Hillary, you will regret putting another liar in the WH. You can not vote but you cannot call back Hillary if she gets in. Look at her record at State. an LDS in NC.



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