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February 15, 2025

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KurtAugust 24, 2016

With the future of the Supreme Court at stake, and religious liberty and other Constitutional issues so important at this time, Trump has more to offer Utah voters, even those who choose to hold their noses in the voting booth. Trump's bravado, bullying, and foul language are obvious turn-offs. But they pale in comparison with the lying, poor judgment, and felon-like activities of Mrs. Clinton.

LaLauna BandmannAugust 18, 2016

Utah's reason for voting against Trump is minute compared with what Hillary will be doing. She is anti-Christian, anti-Constitution, anti-Israel, pro-abortion, etc. the list goes on. She is one scary woman! Then I find people only listen to the first minute of Gary Johnson and don't finish listening to what he is really saying and he is scary as well.

MaryAugust 18, 2016

Kenneth, great comments for good reasons to vote for Trump. No one is perfect, as has been stated. However, not voting for Trump, or voting for a third party, and/or staying home is the same to me as a vote for Hillary. If that happens, if you think this President has ignored the Constitution, etc. Just wait, you "aint" seen nothing yet. American will never, recover from a Hillary Presidency and we will end up in dire straights. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out. WAKE UP UTAH AND AMERICA!!! Like Trump or not, he is our only HOPE FOR AMERICA, AND HOPEFULLY, IT ISN'T TOO LATE!

CHARLIEBROWN2292August 17, 2016

The focus should no longer be on whether Donald Trump makes the ideal Republican Candidate, but on what consequences would be for Republicans, America, and the rest of the world if Hillary Clinton were to be elected. Recent findings about Mrs. Clinton's use of her personal E-mail Server towards “Pay-for-Play” schemes with anyone willing to give money to the Clinton Foundation, at the expense of National interest and security, should get every American Voter - including Democrats - to reconsider who they would rather have as President. Let us indeed remember that the US sided-up with Russia during WWII, not because it was fond of Communism, but because defeating the Nazis had become top priority.

Kenneth D. WrightAugust 17, 2016

The presidency of the United States is more than a single person. It's a team, a philosophy, and a platform. Trump is surrounded with people who support him who share the common ideals of a strong conservative platform. A number of those persons have known Trump for years and claim that he is a listener and a team player. What is at stake if Trump losses is a lost Supreme Court and Legislature. We are witnessing the demise of the United States of America under the socialistic and progressive ideals of the party controlling the Executive Branch and the Judiciary. Ignore the email and Clinton Foundation scandals if you must, but don't ignore the collision course of our country with financial and moral disaster if our direction is not radically changed. It is either Hillary or Donald. No one else can win. Your choice. Make your vote count for something.

MaryAugust 17, 2016

I will be voting for Hillary even though Bernie Sanders was my original choice. I can do this, and not even call someone a name or accuse them of being a killer in the process. I know what Trump is, he makes that clear everyday. It's just a matter of staying informed, doing a little intelligent research and knowing what real evil looks like. He has made himself very obvious. I don't believe in using a nuclear weapon to eliminate someone who does not agree with me, or believe what I believe or worship or not worship according to their personal choice. I do believe that the poor need to be taken care of, the elderly deserve their S.S. and medicare. All people deserve access to medical care. It's not a privilege, it's a human right. People need to know they can have a roof over their head and that their families will be fed. And earning a living wage is a big help to keeping families together. All families. I love my current President and I know that the remark mentioned above is not based on anything truthful, certainly, disrespectful. Incredible how much hate I have heard in the last 7+ years from people living in this state, in and out of the church. An R in back of your name does not make you a good candidate. And yes I am a registered Democrat. After this election I will be changing my affiliation to Independent because I really am more progressive and not happy with the Democratic party, and the way they rigged the election to favor Hillary in spite of the overwhelming popularity of Bernie Sanders. I will also continue to follow him and his progressive ideas. He won't be going away and Hillary knows she needs to appreciate what he can offer. I will not call HER names, I will be respectful towards President Obama and Hillary. I will, however, run screaming, from Donald Trump. No one in this world, who is still our friend, and some who are not, really want Trump in office. And if anyone has bothered to listen to what he says about women, immigrants, Veterans, the disabled, people of color and the poor, and people of faith, any faith, should know that. But we all have choices and the last time I stepped outside, it was still a free country. Hope it stays that way. I know I plan on using that freedom to vote my CHOICE.

mariaAugust 17, 2016

True Vickie August 17, 2016

R G KingAugust 17, 2016

I suppose for the conscience voters that they would not fault the evangelical voters who stayed home rather than vote for a Mormon, whom they have been generationally and institutionally taught are heretics. The miracle is that about half (?) or 2/3 (again ?) conservative evangelicals did look to Mitt's character in their judgements. The early Puritans and Calvinists and Scots Irish Presbyterians who became America's fronteirmen and buffer against the Indians were very much congregation based and anti-top down authoritarian structure. And then there is the doctrine of the elect as opposed to the universalism of some early colonists. The message was in the very air of that era?

JeffAugust 17, 2016

In response to the article, Trump is not perfect (who is?) but without going into the pros and cons of each candidate (Republican, Democrat, Independent or whatever), I believe the intelligent choice boils down to two three-word statements: 1) Who can win? 2) Supreme Court nominations That being the case, every vote for a candidate other than Trump (including sitting out the election) moves Hillary closer to the White House and a liberally skewed court that will severely impact our Constitutional rights for decades to come. Think about it!!

CarolAugust 17, 2016

Vickie: You go girl. I agree on every point you made and more! We, too, in our family are voting for Donald Trump in a heartbeat over Hillary Clinton! I wish some pollster would call us when they do these surveys. The reason that the percentage was so low for Trump in the Primary here in Utah is that many of us voted for Cruz. Now, we are ALL in for Trump. Hillary's lies through 40 years are a big factor for me also. The Clinton Foundation's millions of dollars money-laundering scheme with special favors to come to lots of people/countries here and abroad with pay-backs if she is in the WH, scare me to death! Trump is beholding to no one and no special interest groups. With his business experience, he will be able to help get our economy rolling again. He will also clean out the corruption in Washington, D.C.! This is the most important election of my lifetime to preserve our country with its freedom and liberty. Vote November 8th for Donald Trump!

Frank KlafsAugust 17, 2016

Right on the money Vickie. Our biggest problem, even in Utah, is that there are way to many that think not voting or voting for a third party is a good thing to do ( a protest). Well, if they want to protest this way, fine, but they will assist in electing Hilary

donnaAugust 17, 2016

Many are choosing to write Ted Cruz on the ballot or vote for Johnson which is as good as throwing away your vote. Choose the best of the options which are actually available (which Cruz and Johnson aren't viable choices). Hilary is NOT an option and if the country wants to get out of the mess it's in I see Trump as the only option. Also be aware of how the liberal media has skewed his comments about Mexican and Muslim immigrants. Don't play into the liberal media playbook who are solidly in Hillary's camp.

IdaAugust 17, 2016

Most of the antipathy toward Trump can be squarely laid on the doorstep of Mitt Romney! If he (Romney) had not led the "Never Trump" crowd, thinking that he would be drafted as a third-party candidate, Utah Mormons would be less hesitant to vote for Trump..

vickieAugust 17, 2016

all I can say is voting for TRUMP....Hilary isn't a choice...she is for killing babies...close to term....that is my biggie in is build that bridge....just know if you tried to get into other countries ie mexico and any of the south American countries ..your head would be cut off...or you would never see would be in jail...we have borders that are too lax. I know we have missionaries in other countries...and we are country friendly...but we also believe in OBEYING THE LAWS OF THE LAND....if we have to obey them then shouldn't everyone else who comes ILLEGAL is not obeying the law....and if Utah is a state that harbors illegals....THAT IS BREAKING THE LAW.....STOP IT....when you say you don't like trump means to me your not voting or your voting for evil crooked Hilary which is it....I say we all need to pray...TRUMP isn't seasoned politition...its what most of us wanted...not in with the DC group....he doesn't have Obama does...and you say TRUMP LIES....please...HILARY is the QUEEN OF LIES....her entire family does the lesser of two evils is TRUMP....Obama was not experienced either...and he was voted in...and if you have heard what he has said lately...that our brains are too small to comprehend making decisions for ourselves and big gov has to do that....think would be more of the same with Hilary...NO get straight and vote TRUMP...



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