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February 15, 2025

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Dave HallAugust 16, 2016

Nice article and I found some helpful insights. I do think, however, that there will be surprises when people look around at the second coming and see who is actually left. I believe there are some who appear to us to be in the "stubborn" category who, when the chips are down and their faith is tried, will come through. The same with the "furious" category. I think this has happened in the past when the Lord, for example, purged the Church after the martyrdom of Joseph Smith. Some received the witness that Brigham Young was his successor and chose to follow him, while others chose not to. That was the ultimate test at that time, and while I agree that the "stalwart and curious" are probably best equipped to pass those tests, ultimately it comes down to what is inside the person, which is difficult for outsiders to tell.

R G KingAugust 16, 2016

Nice think piece but too simple- the reachable and the teachable are how the Lord chooses to aid them. Certainly most of us haven't "deserved" the special course corrections given. At least i haven't but for which I am eternally grateful. Kind of like that footsteps in the sand poem and Him carrying us?



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