Awesome article. However, I have personally tried to "volunteer" but was turned down. The "popular crowd" won't allow anyone else to participate.
Bob LiggetMay 26, 2016
I could not agree more, and yet it saddens me that this kind of article still needs to be written. I joined the Church over thirty years ago and one thing that surprised me then and still today is how members almost always wait to be told what to do. My mother taught me by example to always look for opportunities to help others, simply because it's the right thing to do. It defined her life. But today I still hear members say they don't often even think of doing things for others because it's not part of their calling or as the article says, they haven't been assigned. And yet we have the scripture saying we shouldn't have to be commanded in all things, and the admonition from Jesus himself was to love others as he loved us! So if a neighbor has had, say, a death in the family, don't say, well, the Compassionate Service Leader will take care of it. I can't think of many lessons more important to learn and teach our children. Thanks for the reminder. Maybe some day we won't need it.
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DebbieJuly 25, 2016
Awesome article. However, I have personally tried to "volunteer" but was turned down. The "popular crowd" won't allow anyone else to participate.
Bob LiggetMay 26, 2016
I could not agree more, and yet it saddens me that this kind of article still needs to be written. I joined the Church over thirty years ago and one thing that surprised me then and still today is how members almost always wait to be told what to do. My mother taught me by example to always look for opportunities to help others, simply because it's the right thing to do. It defined her life. But today I still hear members say they don't often even think of doing things for others because it's not part of their calling or as the article says, they haven't been assigned. And yet we have the scripture saying we shouldn't have to be commanded in all things, and the admonition from Jesus himself was to love others as he loved us! So if a neighbor has had, say, a death in the family, don't say, well, the Compassionate Service Leader will take care of it. I can't think of many lessons more important to learn and teach our children. Thanks for the reminder. Maybe some day we won't need it.