"Anonymous" - People can also recognize snarky comments and nobody likes them either.
MaryMay 27, 2016
"Of course there are relationships that are abusive or destructive and must be ended." Thank you, Brother Goddard, for that much-needed acknowledgment. President Smith stated "divorce is not part of the gospel plan." The sad truth is that serious mental illness--the kind that can lead to dangerous "abusive or destructive" behavior for a spouse or child--is one of the harsh realities of this temporal existence. As a church culture, and as a society in general, we could use much more educating in this area. I believe this would lead to greater understanding and compassion, and less judgment of either individual in the relationship as heart-breaking personal decisions are made.
AnonymousMay 25, 2016
"Emily" - People can usually recognize self-promotion disguised as a legitimate comment, and nobody likes it.
margaretMay 24, 2016
I have Wallace Goddard's book on Drawing the Power of Heaven into your Marriage (I hope I got that right!) and highly recommend it. He has the gift of naming principles and also coupling those principles with tools of action, actual things you can implement that will improve your marriage. His book is well written and concise. I highly recommend it! I think these articles are from the book.
EmilyMay 24, 2016
My husband has been reading a book called Real Love by Greg Baer. I think Greg is LDS too. My husband reads a lot of self help books and this one by far takes the cake. It has changed the way he perceives his childhood, the way he perceives his current life and marriage and fatherhood. He recommended it to his parents who had struggled and it completely changed their marriage for the better. The principles in this book completely define faith, hope, and charity in a way that's never been done before. It's not just about will power, it's about changing your heart and perceptions from imitation love to real love, just as the gospel converts people. I highly recommend it.
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kateMay 29, 2016
"Anonymous" - People can also recognize snarky comments and nobody likes them either.
MaryMay 27, 2016
"Of course there are relationships that are abusive or destructive and must be ended." Thank you, Brother Goddard, for that much-needed acknowledgment. President Smith stated "divorce is not part of the gospel plan." The sad truth is that serious mental illness--the kind that can lead to dangerous "abusive or destructive" behavior for a spouse or child--is one of the harsh realities of this temporal existence. As a church culture, and as a society in general, we could use much more educating in this area. I believe this would lead to greater understanding and compassion, and less judgment of either individual in the relationship as heart-breaking personal decisions are made.
AnonymousMay 25, 2016
"Emily" - People can usually recognize self-promotion disguised as a legitimate comment, and nobody likes it.
margaretMay 24, 2016
I have Wallace Goddard's book on Drawing the Power of Heaven into your Marriage (I hope I got that right!) and highly recommend it. He has the gift of naming principles and also coupling those principles with tools of action, actual things you can implement that will improve your marriage. His book is well written and concise. I highly recommend it! I think these articles are from the book.
EmilyMay 24, 2016
My husband has been reading a book called Real Love by Greg Baer. I think Greg is LDS too. My husband reads a lot of self help books and this one by far takes the cake. It has changed the way he perceives his childhood, the way he perceives his current life and marriage and fatherhood. He recommended it to his parents who had struggled and it completely changed their marriage for the better. The principles in this book completely define faith, hope, and charity in a way that's never been done before. It's not just about will power, it's about changing your heart and perceptions from imitation love to real love, just as the gospel converts people. I highly recommend it.