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February 6, 2025

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D BarlowApril 28, 2016

Did the article miss that Marco Rubio and his family were members of the Mormon church for a time?

Gusty SluderMarch 6, 2016

I have not heard any negative comments about LDS from Cruz, Rubio, or Kasich. I believe that Cruz, who has defended Constitutional rights before the Supreme Court, will restore respect for the Constitution and the Founders' original meanings.

ElisabethMarch 6, 2016

Phew, I was afraid he was going to have good things to say about us. I don't want the approval of someone as screw-loose as this clown.

Sasha Bill KwapinskiMarch 4, 2016

It looks like John Kasich is the last remaining adult in the race.

DianeMarch 3, 2016

I read the trib and Deseret news the other day about this story .It appears Trump's spokeswoman has Lumped us in with FLDS faction.That we are also considered radicals. Yet when question on this Trump didn't take it back. Are we have another 1844 again this concerns me

MichaelMarch 3, 2016

I believe that Marco Rubio would make a far better president than we've seen in a while. My heart of hearts also wishes for Ted Cruz's presidency. How can we get more people looking at better options? Do people not see through the media mud to the way these people really have behaved and how they might possibly handle things if they continue as they've commenced?

R G KingMarch 1, 2016

This isn't exactly new ignorance on the part of our fellow Americans. So let them investigate and see if they can be enlightened. It isn't as if the democrats now in power didn't close most LDS canneries? When they go for the taking away of tax exempt status will they compare the fact that we keep politics and politicians out of the churches for partisan speeches. Compare this to more obvious law bending democrats speaking in churches, especially in the south? When Donald becomes aware he may like Howard Hughes prefer all Mormons body guards? Lyndon Johnson used to land Air Force one for a visit with David O McKay. From book Presidents and Prophets.

Mike SmullinMarch 1, 2016

Trump has a point about our religion. Latter-day Saints consider themselves a peculiar people in the biblical sense that our lifestyle stems from doctrines and covenants we make with the Lord, not by what is popular. Popularity contests are not our thing. We don't bend to political pressure, as evidenced by the recent excommunication of prominent activists in the past year. The church moves according to God's will, not the majority vote. The problem that Donald referred to wasn't that Mormons are faithful Christians, or that there are a majority of them in Utah--its that our overwhelming representation means that we hold a disproportionate influence in the State government. The church is largely able to call the shots legally. This presents a problem for those who understand the founder's intention that religious liberty is coupled with separation of church and state. That's kind of hard when the state was founded by religious people of one denomination. Any church, even Mormon churches, operating illegally should be investigated and shut down. Our church's high standard does not allow for deviation from the law of the land. This is why marijuana use still keeps otherwise worthy members from receiving temple recommends, even though it may be prescribed legally in other states. The church observes federal and state laws. The church holds open houses at every new temple built for this reason; in the church we hold things sacred, not secret. As a faithful Mormon, investigation should not intimidate any member. If one ward or stake is inciting violence or training terrorists, we need to know. Same for Muslim groups operating in the United States.

Sharon WilkinsMarch 1, 2016

I don't know who to vote for yet?

RNPMarch 1, 2016

Sounds like he was talking about the TX on FLDS a few years ago because of Warren Jeffs.

CharlieBrown2292March 1, 2016

One reason why Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany is that so few people had taken time to read "Mein Kampf," a poorly written book he had published while still virtually unknown from most. Yet, all the ingredients of Nazism and the Jewish Genocide were already there...



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