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April 18, 2024

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CharulieMarch 14, 2016

D&C 52:11, 84:97, 109:59... "...cut short in righteousness..."

Cris ColemanFebruary 26, 2016

I myself have used these two verses to point to the Salt Lake Temple/Salt Lake City as being the fulfillment of these two verses. However, the one thing that is usually not discussed is the last phrase of the second verse: “. . . and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” It should seem obvious that this part of the prophecy has not been fulfilled. The word of the Lord is NOT coming out of Jerusalem; the word of the Lord is coming out of Salt Lake City. The law, so far as I can see, is not coming out of anywhere. Law is generally viewed as being civil, while the word of the Lord is generally seen as being spiritual. So, at best, the Salt Lake Temple/Salt Lake City is only a partial fulfillment of the prophecy. Also, we should be able to see that the two parts of the scripture (“. . . for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem”) are inextricably linked together. When one part is fulfilled, so then is the other. Therefore, to me, these two verses are a millennial prophecy, at least in its total fulfillment. This sounds more like when the New Jerusalem has been built up and Old Jerusalem has been reestablished as Christ’s, and not before then. We don’t know what the New Jerusalem geology will look like after the global earthquake occurs when every mountain and island shall be moved out of its place (see Revelation 6:12-17). It could look drastically different, even mountainous, if you will. And this is to occur just prior to year seven thousand, at least, as far as the Revelation chronology is concerned. Thus, while we can view these verses as a temporary fulfillment at best, I believe the total fulfillment will occur after the New Jerusalem is established and the Old Jerusalem has become Christ’s and not before then.



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