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February 15, 2025

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Deanna TaylorFebruary 18, 2016

Thanks, Janice. You are right on target as always. My favorite line is "The burdens do not necessarily change, but our ability to endure them does.” I'm building endurance, understanding and faith. So sorry you've had such struggles lately. Your life and your music continues to inspire me and my family.

Reed JefferyFebruary 18, 2016

Thank you, Sister Perry, for sharing your experiences and insight in an inspiring message of hope! I love the message of "The Test" and look forward to hearing "The Lord Will Try His Saints". Iliff Jeffery is my father's uncle, and his example continues to inspire me. His loss of sight and how he lived with it have become a blessing and example to many.

Joy LundbergFebruary 18, 2016

What a beautiful and inspiring article. Janice, you are an angel, a witness of all you profess. Thank you for being such a great example of one who stays humble, deals with adversity through the help of our Savior, and remains faithful always. You are so dear to me. And thanks for all the wonderful music!



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