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January 13, 2025

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Charles DefranchiDecember 14, 2015

Trump reminds me of the businessman I was standing in line with at the Las Vegas airport in the aftermath of 9/11, who told me:” the best thing to solve our problems with the Arabs is to pull the G.I.s out of there and drop a nuclear bomb instead. In the very same spirit, the Turks exterminated the Armenians in 1915, and the Nazis the Jews in the 1940’s. What’s sadly ironical is that bakers, florists, and municipal employees may get prosecuted, fined and jailed under “hate crime” accusations for refusing to support same-sex marriage, but here is someone who is openly attacking one billion people on the basis of religion - including millions in the U.S. – who would still be allowed to become President of the United States!

CJ BryantDecember 13, 2015

Trump said this, yes, but he continued that, until the refugees (statistics have been published that 80% of the immigrants are not religious, at all, but are fit men, between the ages of 20-30, and are probably Jihad fighters, who have been bombed by the Russians) can be verified, there should be a halt to the unending flow, into our country, and Congress can figure out what is going on. He did not call for rounding up the Muslims, already here, like FDR did to the Japanese and the Germans, after Pearl Harbor and President Jackson did to the Indians. Europe is undergoing an invasion, but not at gunpoint; there are reports, all over, of terrible rape and other crimes.

Daniel BowersDecember 11, 2015

Donald Trump,s comment was that we must institute a moratorium on people from Muslim nations until we have a poper vetting process. There is nothing bigoted nor inflammatory about seeking the security of US citizens first. No one has the 'right' to immigrate to the US and the federal government has taken action against Islam ( in the 50's) once before and barred entrance to groups considered hostile to the culture and values of the US. This is not a discussion about freedom of religion. This is about national security. The fact is, Islam denies every facet of free agency.

Neil DevereauxDecember 11, 2015

When one has to stoop to comparing some of the lowest and most disgraceful points in our nation's history with the bigoted and inflammatory rhetoric of Donald Trump, we can only more fully understand to what depths both Trump and one segment of the American citizenry has fallen to justify the words of a true fascist demagogue in our midst.

LaLauna BandmannDecember 10, 2015

The Jews, Mormons, and Catholics didn't kill randomly either - a slight difference.

Jan NielsenDecember 10, 2015

What a well researched and thoughtful article. Would be better for our country if the citizens of this great nation would be more informed and not back a particular political candidate using emotions or others rhetoric.



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