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February 15, 2025

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Donald E. EllisonNovember 13, 2015

What seems like little details actually make a significant difference -- according to revelation (see D&C 115:4): "For thus shall my church be called in the last days, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." Please note that the "The" is capitalized and part of the proper name. Also, place a hyphen between Latter and day; finally do not capitalize the "day". Thank you for the article.

Ken HazelbakerNovember 13, 2015

Good story - it should have noted that the center cupola or spire was part of orig design, but the roof structure would not sustain it. Now the TOTAL design can be appreciated. Why not mention Jacobsen as the GC team leader to build this. Sure the A/E's do much, but without the can do experience of the craftsmen and their supervision, you would not have such a wonderful edifice. Go look to engineering journals etc to capture more of the genius it took to make it look so perfect. Simply marvelous.

Brian OlsonNovember 13, 2015

The Provo City Center Temple will be the 150th temple, not the 151st. (Tijuana, currently in open house will be 149th, and Montreal, currently in Open house is a re-dedication and was the 86th.) Fun fact: PCCT will be the 150th temple, while Provo Temple was the 15th!

NoniNovember 13, 2015

Thank you for this wonderful, insightful and inspiring article. We look forward to enjoying this new temple!

KurtNovember 13, 2015

What a beautiful example of making lemonade out of lemons (the fire). I'm so appreciative of all who made this most complex project possible.

Mary GarrickNovember 13, 2015

Thank you for the information on the Temple. It is beautiful structure. I'm looking forward to being able to inter the Temple. I am grateful to all who help restore a such a wonderful tribute to the Lord.

andrejulesNovember 13, 2015

I am so looking forward to the Open House and later the opportunity to do Temple ordinances there. So many memories involve the original building: Provo Stake Conferences, concerts, my Provo High School Graduation. Hearing Joseph Fielding Smith and his wfe Jessie Evans singing duets. Hooray for President Monson and the LDS Church being inspired to turn the fire shattered hulk into a beautiful, historic new Temple.

colleenNovember 13, 2015

thank you for a MUCH better understanding of the symbolism of a beautiful beautiful structure. love your theme of 'change of heart' changed mine about this new temple. can't wait to go to the open house!

Charles JewellNovember 13, 2015

Apparently the smoke in the picture coming from the window was at a time when stoves were used to heat the building and not when the building was on fire. Is that a correct assumption?



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