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February 6, 2025

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CarolineNovember 2, 2015

Dear friend McLain--- thank you for sharing this. My very best visiting teaching month was when your film first opened and I went with my companion and our sisters. We all loved it on every level--- it is an excellent movie. I am very selfishly disappointed that it's doing so well in theaters because I want it on DVD soon for Christmas presnts!! God has given you a wonderful talent. Continue following inspiration!

DianeNovember 2, 2015

I really enjoyed most of the movie, but was disappointed that the adult female leaders were portrayed as if they were "flirting" with the forest rangers! I can see the young women being "twitter-pated", but never the MARRIED leaders!! Over all, tho', very sweet!

Dorothy HansonNovember 2, 2015

I can't begin to tell you how much this film touched me, as a woman that has attended girls camp as a ward leader, Stake leader, or just to assist in some part of the process, for over 30 times. Thank you for making me laugh and cry at the same time, bringing back precious memories. I attended the movie with my daughter who has also been a camp leader. We had her daughter with us who this summer attended camp for the first time "as a Beehive". My other daughter has also been a camp leader and my three daughter-in-laws also have had camp leader experience. One of these dear daughter-in-laws is almost totally visually impaired, with the help of one of my other daughter-in-laws and her blind stick, she cooked, did crafts, hiked and inspired. Camp is in our families blood. by the way my husband and three sons have been involved with Boys Scouts.



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