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January 25, 2025

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David DavilaAugust 5, 2015

We need not be concerned that unbelievers choose to destroy our faith. Satan has always used uninformed and compromised individuals to try to destroy us. We have the promise from the Lord that they will not prevail. Our prophet Brigham Young said it best when he indicated that the Gospel will roll forth and if there is opposition, the Gospel will grow even faster. When they say that Joseph Smith couldn't have received answers to his prayers it probably is based on the fact that they themselves have not received any answers. This may be because they arrogantly approach God , our Heavenly Father, with preconceived ideas and he will not answer them because of their arrogant attitude, rather than approaching with humility and determined to do what He wants them to understand and do. Why would the Supreme Being deign to answer such arrogance ? Rather than be concerned about such attacks, it can be a means for a dialogue with people that have not considered our faith until it is attacked. Good hearted people who earnestly desire to know more will benefit from their inquiry regarding our faith.

BenJaminAugust 5, 2015

7 For the time cometh, saith the Lamb of God, that I will work a great and a marvelous work among the children of men; a work which shall be everlasting, either on the one hand or on the other--either to the convincing of them unto peace and life eternal, or unto the deliverance of them to the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds unto their being brought down into captivity, and also into destruction, both temporally and spiritually, according to the captivity of the devil, of which I have spoken. Forgive them for they know Not what they do. Ignorance and blind. Worldly and pride bless these that drift and are confused and do not knock on the door that shall open. As a Imperfect fallen mortal I am mad and would like to meet them out back and kick there ignorant --- love your neighbor as yourself. I pray they seek and find the truth since the truth does not care if you know or not, it remains true. ✌️

MatthewAugust 5, 2015

Not so hard to imagine things being buried for future generations, people bury time capsules all the time to show the past to others. We even sent things into space for aliens to find.

Michael ChopinAugust 5, 2015

Regardless of what the authors of this musical work intended, it is still and important mechanism through which the last few grains of wheat are gathered out of the mountain of chaff before it is burned. We don't want to leave anyone behind. It is an opportunity for viewers to use their agency and decide their alignment. Those who are worthy will not be fooled and so this production really amounts to free advertisement of the Church to those who may have never heard of it. Lucifer knows the value of agency. That is why he "tries" to deny it. We know, in truth, that everyone has it regardless of whether they know it or not.



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