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January 23, 2025

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HollyJuly 5, 2015

John, you read the graph backwards, as it is a particularly badly designed graph to begin with, so that is understandable. As explained in the fine print, the question asked by the researchers was "Homosexuality is a way of life that should be accepted by society." Less than 20% of LDS members responding favorably, so that means the heavy majority do disagree with that statement - as of 2007, when the data was compiled. Again, a badly designed graph.

JohnJuly 1, 2015

The low "disagreement" percentage of LDS members suggests that church members are experiencing an internal struggle between what they believe spiritually and what they feel on a human level. Mormons have doctrine--that God restored His Church and that marriage is between male and female. But they also are admonished by Christ to practice charity, compassion and mercy. They are at odds with themselves as they come to know more and more friends and family living with same-sex attraction.

A Happy HubbyJuly 1, 2015

It is interesting that the number of LDS accepting was at 25% a few years ago. It is also interesting that Elder Christopherson has said a member can still be in good standing with the church and support gay marriage as long as they are not pushing for the church to change it stance.



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