In Defense of Indiana
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Mike MansfieldApril 1, 2015
It appears that certain advocates are looking for ghosts in goblins in anything and everything that advocates for religious tolerance and religious rights. This whole issue is blown out of proportion by a group of people who, because of an imbalance in sensitivity have allowed their sense to abandon them.
David HallApril 1, 2015
It's interesting how to some, tolerance goes in only one direction. George Stephanopoulos asked Indiana Governor Mike Pence if it should be legal in Indiana for a business to refuse service to a gay couple. I would ask the question in the other direction. Should it be legal for someone to boycot someone else because of their belief in traditional marriage? We have all of these self-righteous people wanting to deny business to Indiana for standing up for religious liberty, and that is okay. But if a wedding caterer says, "You know, I don't feel comfortable catering this wedding - why don't you go to the caterer down the street?" then they should be castigated. In the minds of these people, tolerance goes only one way - and that is against religion. This same-sex marriage thing is going to get really ugly. The gay rights agenda is not about tolerance - this is a movement to force a belief on people.