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Mark MathesonDecember 1, 2023
Great comment Lora! You went beyond Joni's insightful article and added to our understanding. Thank you!
MaryannDecember 1, 2023
Reference for that scripture: D&C 90:24 in my post.
MaryannDecember 1, 2023
Love, loved, loved this article! I think the bottom line is trusting in the Lord and remembering we only see a tiny part of the puzzle. He knows the end from the beginning. He has promised us that "..all things shall work together for your good..." if we are sincerely seeking Him and keeping our covenants to Him. ALL things will work together for our good! We can hold on to that promise, even when we feel our prayers go unanswered. We can trust that the final outcome will be joy beyond our greatest hopes.
LoraNovember 30, 2023
James 4:3 and 2 Nephi 4:35 warn us against asking amiss. President Nelson recently told us not to turn our prayers into shopping lists. I've finally learned to stop asking for anything. Instead, I thank Him in advance for blessings not yet received. It feels more like asking in faith because I'm treating it as if it's already happened. After all, God called Eve "the mother of all living" before she had a honeymoon, much less a baby. He called Abraham "the father of many nations" before he had any children at all. Time is irrelevant to the Lord. We mortals get impatient because we have limited time and limited memories. We forget that the Lord knows all things from the beginning, and He is going to WIN. He says He can save us, and our loved ones, and He will. He's known them for a long, long time. When I stopped praying for outcomes, and instead started giving thanks for all that I have received, I feel heard and answered in prayer.