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January 13, 2025

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Linda WidmarFebruary 23, 2015

We are serving a senior mission and have both commented on how sad it is to not have young missionaries coming into the field with the abilities to play or conduct music. Though I did not have the privilege of music training in my life we made certain that our six children had instrumental lessons, and some had vocal. I learned to conduct when called to serve as a Primary Chorister and am trying to quietly help those young people who are serving in our Zone learn some conducting skills. There is already an entire generation with very little music education in the schools and it is resulting in the next generation not receiving it at home. Thank you for all your beautiful music and for making us all aware of the need to keep it alive. It truly is a prayer unto God and often His answer to one of our own.

Sister McCombsFebruary 19, 2015

Really appreciated reading about your experiences teaching free piano lessons. We are serving as senior missionaries and I have 6 students here in Texas. They are delightful to teach. It is wonderful that the keyboard course is focused solely on the hymns. The students feel the Spirit when they play and sing the words to the hymns. We both feel our Savior's love and help as we try to further music in the Lord's church. Loved reading about your experiences and service, and the accomplishments of your students. We will have to follow your example and have a recital too!

Daphne KessingerFebruary 19, 2015

Thank you Sister Perry for an enlightening and most outstanding article about the many amazing benefits of music and especially piano. I am 70 & taught piano in our home for 20 years to support 4 of our 6 children on missions, and saw the powerful benefits of learning and playing piano, over and over. Through those years probably 1/2 of my students were adults, returning to find or newly discover the joys of piano. I will most certainly share this article with as many as I can. Also thank you personally, for the years of outstanding music YOU have written to bless us all.



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