Two words: "simply extraordinary." You have such a gift for wrapping divine principles into meaningful and memorable stories. Please keep this up. And I hope someone helps you put these extraordinary articles into a book.
HelenCOctober 10, 2022
Thank you, dear friend in Christ, for showing me the PERFECT way to launch my Grief Relief Support business. I trust I will hear His voice in the help that He requires of me.
Comments | Return to Story
LewisOctober 10, 2022
Two words: "simply extraordinary." You have such a gift for wrapping divine principles into meaningful and memorable stories. Please keep this up. And I hope someone helps you put these extraordinary articles into a book.
HelenCOctober 10, 2022
Thank you, dear friend in Christ, for showing me the PERFECT way to launch my Grief Relief Support business. I trust I will hear His voice in the help that He requires of me.