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January 15, 2025

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Helen CondonJune 2, 2022

And missionary work goes on being the veil, too! We had had my father’s work done in 2000 when I visited my mother in Australia. They were divorced in the 1960s and dad had remarried. We had him sealed to both of his wives. In 2010, when my 24 year old son died from brain cancer, the only active member among my five children, I felt his presence in Sacrament meeting a few weeks later. My father was with him and he was telling my dad not to worry about being in “that Mormon Church” but to come and listen to his little girl sing.

vickieJune 2, 2022

i joined the church in 1977 with my husband. we attended the temple when we could because there werent that many temples back then. we had to travel far. we went to the temple off and on and lived near one where we became the special couple. i loved it. then down the road husband had cancer surgery to remove his prostate. they nicked a nerve and he is now totally incontinent and cant go. when he rises from sitting it flows everywhere. im in continent in a different way. its amazing how we are like this and together. anyway i feel such an urge to do online temple work. i do things like grave work on finding graves and other websites and also on family search. i love it. there are many ways one can do temple work. i feel the presence of angels or family when doing these things.



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