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February 13, 2025

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AnlSeptember 7, 2014

You will always find those who are honest and will do something for that which they receive. But sadly there are more who have found a way to support the life style of entitlement.

KCSeptember 4, 2014

I happen to be in the former group where my single mother of 3 was attending college to become a teacher. No child support was ever paid so it was take it or starve. We have all become contributing members of society. When we were between jobs & in graduate school w/two small children we took advantage of the WIC program for several months. Ironically, right before we moved, my husband's job for the state was to get fraudulent welfare cases off the rolls. So, the system hasn't always been skewed so heavily either one or the other way. It is a necessary program. However, I do see the laws reflecting a legislative culture of using welfare to buy votes, it works. The people who vote themselves money know they can vote themselves "raises" via expanded benefits as well. They are the ones who my husband tried to keep from abusing the system. Benefits are so high now, it is tempting to "live" off of them. The pervasiveness of that mentality makes it harder for people who, like my family in the past, see it as a short-term "safety net". We have to roll it back to that level for the sake of the next generation.

Kenneth JacksonSeptember 4, 2014

These findings are so obvious. The program, as is, was developed to enslave the poor and bleed the rich. It began in 1964 and has worsened every year since then. May the Lord help us out of this mess.

DonSeptember 4, 2014

Unfortunately, many of these same children are taught in schools which assume they can not learn, thus they do not give the children a rigorous curriculum and pass them at least to grade 10 still reading at 3rd grade level. My school system required all of us in senior high to attend workshops in teaching basic reading skills.

Junk BinSeptember 4, 2014

they church welfare program also teaches that you can get free stuff without doing anything. being put to work cleaning , stuffing envelopes, setting up and tearing down, cleaning windows, showing up for all service projects and mover should be only a small part of working for your free church stuff



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