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February 13, 2025

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Corey DinsdaleSeptember 30, 2021

It was an excellent article except for the references to our democracy, we live in a republic, history teaches us that all Democracy's have eventually failed. John's comments to the article are more anti-Trump rhetoric and mis-leading and he implies that the riot in the Capitol was due to Trump. I know a number of people both members of the church and nonmembers who interpreted Pres. Oaks talk as a repudiation of Trump, he said no such thing. Trump has an awful personality but at least he is supportive of religious freedom and certainly not part of the liberal, woke, PC culture that is ruining the country. Too many view what happened at the Capitol with a very shallow understanding or based solely on the visual scenes the media reported. With the exception of a few troublemakers those who were at the Capitol are patriotic people who love their country and the Constitution and were there because they see the country going to hell in a handbasket, which the last 9 months has been more than ample proof of that. I personally wonder if Pres. Oaks may have changed a few things in his talk if it was given today and not last April based on what has happened in the interim. Pres. Oaks said in his talk he doesn't believe the Lord will let the Constitution fail, I wish I had his optimism, free agency will always prevail for good or bad.

John R. HillSeptember 22, 2021

Elder Callister's article on the Constitution, as well as the last General Conference talk by President Dallin Oaks on the same subject, are sorely needed in our culture at a time when our democratic principles and norms are under assault. We have seen recently a former president of the United States go to extraordinary and extra-legal lengths to overturn the results of the 2020 election---thereby trashing the Constitution and the very nation he had vowed to make great again. He has pursued this course---not with the support of the judiciary or the military, but with the support of his party's base of loyal voters and supporters. Whatever happened to the democratic principle of accepting peacefully the results of elections? I love how Elder Callister ended his poignant article. Quoting President Benson's statement that the in the latter days, the Constitution "will be saved by enlightened members of this Church---men and women who will subscribe to and abide the principles of the Constitution"---Elder Callister hopes that includes you and me.

Aleisa EatonSeptember 21, 2021

So well written! Thank you for your research and gift of writing.

Carolyn R LeeSeptember 21, 2021

Whenever I see Tad Callister's name, I know it will be worthwhile to read. This article should be in the Liahona so that every member of the Church would see and read it. I'm sending it to my grandchildren to help them know how to better defend the history of our country and the inspired documents of the founding, Thank you, Brother Callister!

ChrisSeptember 20, 2021

Beautifully articulate

C> M HowserSeptember 20, 2021

Wonderful to read - thank you for reminding us of the beautiful constitution and how fortunate we are to live today under the umbrella of such guidance.



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