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February 15, 2025

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Maryann TaylorAugust 11, 2021

I absolutely agree that none of us should be labeling others as selfish for deciding not to get the vaccine. There is a LOT of conflicting information out there regarding EVERYTHING about COVID, and also the vaccine. I just read that it was recently discovered that the reported number of people with the disease in Florida alone was inflated by almost 13,000 above the actual number! I decided for myself to receive the vaccine as soon as I could because of President Nelson's encouragement and example. However, I do NOT in any way judge or condemn those who choose not to get it. The disease is bad enough without adding spiritual warfare. AND---we need to put things into perspective by remembering we are much more statistically likely to die from many other things.

Chip WhitmerAugust 9, 2021

Can we learn to apply the model of Helaman and the people of Ammon, from Alma 53:13-15 and 56:6-8? In this story a minority of the population had taken upon themselves a moral obligation that put them at odds with the prevailing cultural norms. Helaman recognized the moral dilemma in which they found themselves, and went to great lengths to accommodate their moral obligation -- even accepting the increased risk to society brought on by allowing them to fulfill their commitment. Can we accept that many people today have made a similar moral commitment: that they will not participate in any way with the totalitarian and authoritarian schemes that are consuming our society? And like Helaman, can we find a way to honor and accommodate that commitment, regardless of whether we happen to agree with it ourselves?

Mary HAugust 8, 2021

People can believe anything they wish. But behaving irresponsibly towards the health of others is selfish. If you do not want to vaccinate I am okay with that. But stay home. Stop assuming you are welcome unmasked in' public. You are not. I am not responsible to provide your herd immunity I personally believe the US should ship all our vaccine to countries that would desperately love it. The opportunities to get it in the US are closed.

WandaAugust 8, 2021

I am all for personal freedom. For anyone who wishes medical treatment for covid who is not vaccinated, please just stay home and treat yourself. My medical skills, my choice. I am tired. If you do not wish to be vaccinated, fine. But please die at home if you get sick. You do not have the right to put me at risk anymore.

HenryAugust 8, 2021

Part of the problem is that many of the unvaccinated seem to have bought wholeheartedly into what some of us consider nutcase conspiracy theories. I was told recently by one that they know that over 5,000 people have died from the vaccine. I honestly did not know how to answer that. I refuse to accept that all the media in the US except their obscure website are hiding the truth from us, lying to us to convince us to risk our lives by being vaccinated. So is it wrong to ask these people to stay away. They are welcome to choose liberty and possible death for themselves, but not for me. They are welcome to isolate mask free at home, but not in church or restaurants or on planes with me. My life, my choice.

Ed GayhartAugust 7, 2021

Let’s be real. A decision to get a vaccine is a personal one. Why would someone with natural acquired immunity want to get a vaccine and why would someone be adamant that he do so. Live and let live and mind your own business.

SuzetteAugust 6, 2021

As close family members share strongly their views against my views on all this, I simple Respond, “my body my choice. Please respect my religious views, my political views and I will 100% respect yours. That usually end the conversation.

DavidAugust 6, 2021

I haven’t decided yet if I will be vaccinated or not. The condemnation pretty much comes from one side. You want to wear a mask…knock yourself out, there will be no condemnation from me. Took the vaccine…great…still no condemnation. Believe that the government has been forthright with Covid information…that’s your right and you’ll not be condemned by me. I’m not offered the same courtesy if I believe differently.

AEatonAugust 6, 2021

Very well written and great points. I pray we can all learn how to disagree with civility on this and other difficult issues.

Nina HawkinsAugust 6, 2021

Thank you so much for your article. It's to bad that those of a different opinion are labeled as "reckless, selfish...." . There is more to it for those that choose not to get vaccinated or choose to wait a little longer. No one wants to hear an opposing view. So hysteria seems to be taking charge and freedom of speech is labeled as conspiracy if you don't agree with "their" narrative.

Marsha WhiteAugust 6, 2021

This is a great article. I have been thinking of late "what would the country/world be like if a campaign for applying religion in our lives would be equal to that of the campaign for the COVID vaccine? Can you imagine all of the Atheist's or Agnostic's or the I don't believe in God people, who would be infuriated to have "religion shoved down their throats" If you put it in those terms, one can see how people are feeling like their liberty to be free thinkers, doers and self governing rights are being bullied away from them. Teach people correct principles and let them govern themselves. Speak truth about what is in a product and let people decide if it is something they want to take into their own bodies. God lets us choose so why do we feel likes it's our responsibility to take others choices from them?



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