In that day they drank wine for safety’s sake. Water was often full of contaminants that would make one sick. The metaphors here are profound
Melinda TalleyApril 8, 2022
I feel that among all His miracles, this may well be the most significant. In my moments of fearing I or those I love may never overcome our weaknesses, knowing that the Savior has the power to change our very natures drives that fear away.
JAMES P FOLEYJune 2, 2021
The miracle of turning water into wine could possibly be Jesus’ greatest scientific miracle.
In healing the sick, the body just re-organizes / re-orders itself. In raising the dead, the lifeless body is simply brought back to life. In killing the fig tree, it’s the opposite... no great scientific changes have occurred.
But consider Cana: It is estimated there are from 800 to 1,000 different organic chemical compounds in wine.
And yet, water consists of no organic compounds and just one inorganic compound: two-parts hydrogen to one-part oxygen.
The scientific miracle, then, was “Just how did that plain ol’ inorganic water become 800-1000 organic compounds?"
That’s pretty neat!
Steve DoneganJune 2, 2021
Simply perfect. Well written. Oh the gems we find when we look with spiritual eyes...
Andrew J. CurrieJune 2, 2021
He didn't purify the water. If that is all He did, it would still have been water--one hydrogen molecule and two oxygen molecules--pure, but merely water nonetheless.
What Christ did was change the very nature of the liquid. He did not merely make the water into wine, but into the best wine at the feast! He promises to replace our 'stony hearts' with hearts of flesh--hearts like His. Through His Atonement our very natures will be changed into something unlike what we are today.
James ScottJune 2, 2021
The JST certainly adds an important element of explanation to a rather cryptic group of verses. Furthermore, the listing oft the Savior’s assistance and relations with women is illuminating. Every human is a child of God.
Helen CondonJune 2, 2021
Thank you but the illustration of my style being turned from water into wine by my Savior. It truly is His work and His glory.
Comments | Return to Story
Jeanette Goates smithMarch 24, 2023
In that day they drank wine for safety’s sake. Water was often full of contaminants that would make one sick. The metaphors here are profound
Melinda TalleyApril 8, 2022
I feel that among all His miracles, this may well be the most significant. In my moments of fearing I or those I love may never overcome our weaknesses, knowing that the Savior has the power to change our very natures drives that fear away.
JAMES P FOLEYJune 2, 2021
The miracle of turning water into wine could possibly be Jesus’ greatest scientific miracle. In healing the sick, the body just re-organizes / re-orders itself. In raising the dead, the lifeless body is simply brought back to life. In killing the fig tree, it’s the opposite... no great scientific changes have occurred. But consider Cana: It is estimated there are from 800 to 1,000 different organic chemical compounds in wine. And yet, water consists of no organic compounds and just one inorganic compound: two-parts hydrogen to one-part oxygen. The scientific miracle, then, was “Just how did that plain ol’ inorganic water become 800-1000 organic compounds?" That’s pretty neat!
Steve DoneganJune 2, 2021
Simply perfect. Well written. Oh the gems we find when we look with spiritual eyes...
Andrew J. CurrieJune 2, 2021
He didn't purify the water. If that is all He did, it would still have been water--one hydrogen molecule and two oxygen molecules--pure, but merely water nonetheless. What Christ did was change the very nature of the liquid. He did not merely make the water into wine, but into the best wine at the feast! He promises to replace our 'stony hearts' with hearts of flesh--hearts like His. Through His Atonement our very natures will be changed into something unlike what we are today.
James ScottJune 2, 2021
The JST certainly adds an important element of explanation to a rather cryptic group of verses. Furthermore, the listing oft the Savior’s assistance and relations with women is illuminating. Every human is a child of God.
Helen CondonJune 2, 2021
Thank you but the illustration of my style being turned from water into wine by my Savior. It truly is His work and His glory.