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February 10, 2025

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JohnJune 28, 2016

Great compilation of photos and history of the Prophet. I'd just caution against attributing certain prophecy in scripture unequivocally to specific events. I do not believe this prophetic pronouncement refers to the Prophet Joseph, as it does not fit the events of the martyrdom: “…the life of my servant shall be in my hand; therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because of them. Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil.”[7] (Jesus Christ to the Nephites, concerning Joseph Smith)

Julie HardmanJuly 18, 2014

Everytime I have been to Nauvoo, & Carthage Jail my heart weeps. This also made my heart weep. So so grateful for our Prophet Joseph Smith, our living Prophet today, Thomas S, Monson, and for the Savior's atoning sacrifice, that makes everything!!! POSSIBLE. This presentation was magnificent

Glenna BrownJune 30, 2014

I had forgotten that it was that time of year. I am very impressed with the pictures along with the accounts of that day a 17 years ago. What great men they were and the Prophet brought to pass this great church in such trying times.

Richard NanceJune 30, 2014

Mary Ann Angell Young is my great X7 Aunt . :) I am now almost 80 years old and living with a granddaughter I raised when my daughter died. I have had many tri[a]ls and tribulations but through the blessings of the Lord I have gotten along. I bear my testimony to the truthfulness of the gospel and I want all my posterity to the last generation who read this to know it is true and I want not one of them to be lost, and I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. -Caroline Francis Angell Holbrook my Grandma X7 (sister to Mary Ann)

Sandee WestJune 30, 2014

Praise to the man! I have visited Carthage and the spirit there is incredible! Every member should try to visit there and Nauvoo in their lifetime!!!

AnnJune 30, 2014

Thank you for sharing this photographs and the thoughts that followed. I have always known that he was indeed a true prophet of God. My testimony of the restored gospel and Joseph Smith has just been strenghtened again by this write up. Thank you.

Jean JohnsonJune 30, 2014

I am amazed at the beauty of these photos and comments. Tears come to my eyes to be reminded of my visits to Carthage, Willard Richards is my Great-great grandfather and Joseph and Hyrum are both my 4th cousins related though a common Grandmother. Thank you so very much.

Jerome TewJune 30, 2014

I have information on James Belton, one of four who shot the Prophet Joseph. Belton did not have a happy life. He was born in Rockingham Co. NC and died in Surry Co. and MT. Airy NC. His only son died without issue in1934 and James died c1901. James lived in Hancock Co. IL and was part of the militia in 1844.

Mary Alyce ClaridgeJune 29, 2014

Thank you I truly hope to go see this for myself someday as I have been on the tour of the footsteps of Jesus I pray also to follow our prophets footsteps. Again thank you with love.

Monica JonesJune 28, 2014

Thank you for posting these pictures And reminding us what took place At that time. So grateful for Joseph Smith and Hyrum and the work that Joseph did, and the support he always had from his brother, and Family.

Margery PetersonJune 27, 2014

Oh, what memories! As 1996-97 director at Carthage, my husband was asked to speak at this celebration. He too is gone now, but our love for this place and Bro. Proctor remain. Thus: UNDIVIDED They stood as brothers ought to stand, Together . . . One beneath the hand Of his defender . . . Loved, admired- And yet, they fell, For God required Their testimony sealed With blood. As angry men Began to flood the room With balls and cursing sore- They fell in death, But then once more . . . As prophets from the past Had done . . . Their voices, From the dust, as one, Rose to proclaim the truth Again- Exhorting, urging other men To follow, listen, and obey. Thus once again, They stand today, As witness of the truth They bore- They stand as one . . . To fall no more.

Gary LipseyJune 27, 2014

Thank you for the amazing article and photos to commemorate this special day. Went to Nauvoo last summer with our grandkids, for the first time. Found Nauvoo and Carthage so moving and inspirational. Cannot wait to return.

TeriJune 27, 2014

Thank you for posting this touching telling of the martyrdom with such beautiful photographs. Truly a wonderful tribute to Brothers Joseph and Hyrum. May God bless their families to all be found within the Kingdom and Church of the Lamb at the last day.

Rebecca DuvallJune 27, 2014

Thank you for this! I always try to do something to commemorate this day. It brings back to mind the experiences I have had in connection with the musical I co-wrote about the Prophet Joseph Smith. So many miracles! I think he was involved in the project in many ways. Here is a link to my blog, where you can see sub-pages about the show under the page tab "One Life":

Peggy StallingsJune 27, 2014

Thank you for this touching photo commentary of Joseph & Hyrum's martyrdom. I was moved to tears.

Gregg SheppardJune 27, 2014

What a great way to help us feel closer to the dear Propehet of the Restoration and his devoted brother Hyrum. Especially today, as we take time to honor their lives, and remember the blessings we have because of their sacrifices. Bless Emma as well.

Scot ProctorJune 27, 2014

Stan. That first image is correct. I am standing in the southwest part of the room shooting towards the northeast--this is the main level where the Stigall Family had their winter kitchen and a bedroom. This was taken before your mission and perhaps they have re-arranged the furnishings. Blessings to you for your service in Carthage!

KarenkJune 27, 2014

This is so poignant it hurts... Near weeping here. This is great as today, I will be teaching a lesson on this very topic to youth in a treatment facility... Thank you from the depths of my heart... K

Rebecca LangfordJune 27, 2014

Thank you for posting these today to honor our Prophet. I, too, remember the wonderful tour in 2005 Truman spoke about, and your beautiful photos and commentary bring back many good feelings.

Kathy WildeJune 27, 2014

Thank you for this beautiful memorial.

Robert CowartJune 27, 2014

Brother Proctor ,thank you for this excellent piece on the Prophet Joseph Smith. Since joining the church in 1961 I have read about everything written about him and feel like I know him personally. Reading your piece I felt like I was taken back and felt deep emotion for him and his family. I think I can safely say that I love the prophet Joseph second only to our Saviour. I love your work. Keep it up. BTW my maternal grandmother was a Proctor whose line we have back to John Nicholas Proctor born in 1545 in England. Robert W. Cowart

Sterling June 27, 2014

Few historical recalls of those final days and hours have affected my emptions like this presentation! It proved to be both a learning experience, as well as a visual opportunity. Brother Proctor was indeed inspired in his selection and commentary! I am most grateful!!

stan bartlesJune 27, 2014

the first photo of the interior of the martyrdom room is reversed. the door is actually on the left of the fireplace. also the furniture is shown arranged differently from the way I remember. what is the date on your photo? we served there as missionaries in 2012. thank you for the excellent article.

Warren ThompsonJune 27, 2014

I have read much on the life of the Prophet Joseph and am convinced of his divine calling. I have the opportunity of speaking often in church and feel strongly we have gotten away from the basics, faith in Jesus Christ and a testimony of Joseph Smith. We need to tell and hear his story often. I too have been to Carthage and felt the strong spirit in that old jail.

Robert Joseph PowellJune 27, 2014

One of my favorite quotes by the Prophet was sent to me by a very supportive girlfriend while on my mission in England. She heard it at a BYU Devotional the week before. I had not even been a member of the Church for 2 years, but this quote struck me to the depths of my soul and epitomized the Prophet throughout his life. He simply stated,

Truman ProctorJune 27, 2014

I have been on a church history tour led by the Proctors that follows the trail of the prophet from Boston to Carthage, and seeing these photos brought back sweet memories of wonderful, powerful experiences that occurred while on this tour. I grew to feel a closeness and comradery with the Prophet over the course of the tour, and he feels like an older brother to me. What an incredible, inspired, blessed man.

Wanda MallettJune 27, 2014

Thank you! very touching...

KathrynJune 27, 2014

In Joseph and Hyrum God gave a great blessing to the world.



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