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October 5, 2024

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AdamMay 26, 2014

This rings so true. This reminds me a lot of this statement by President Henry D. Moyle (quoted by Elder Neal A. Maxwell): "I believe that we . . . might well take to heart the admonition of Alma and be content with that which God hath allotted us. We might well be assured that we had something to do with our

Where is She?May 26, 2014

And where was our Heavenly Mother? What role did she play?

RitaMay 22, 2014

I think it makes perfect sense that we would have a very clear picture of what our mortal lives would be like, but that the chance to come here and go through it and become like Father and Mother was worth every minute. New Navy Seals are told what the training will consist of, and how long it will take, and that some are going to wash out because of how grueling the work and effort will be, but they enlist anyway, because the rewards are so great. The chance to gain a physical, mortal body to extend the power and understanding of our spirit bodies, and the opportunity to prove to Father that we can make it through this training ground with our Brother's help, is what all the spirits rejoiced over. Even those who were only coming here to gain a body and then leave again were thrilled to get the chance. We may not have understood everything He told us, but we knew enough to make an informed choice.

MaryannMay 22, 2014

Some beautiful teachings here, but I do not believe Heavenly Father showed us every detail of our lives. I think he explained as best as he could the process of pain and growth, but not having a physical body would have made it very difficult for us to understand that concept. I am sure he explained that we would experience trials and difficulties and that we would have to enter this life based on faith---not a complete knowledge of what was going to happen to us.

Rob AllenMay 21, 2014

4ordained wrote a song about this called 'Til Then. It's on their album Bring Me Home. You can check it out at The CD is also available at Deseret Book.

BillMay 21, 2014

I am feeling extremely homesick.... in a very tender way.

Emmanuel AfrifaMay 21, 2014

"We knew we were not equal to the demands of mortality

CraigMay 21, 2014

Thank you... I needed that!

AnonymousMay 20, 2014

When our daughter was three years old during a conversation I had with her she told me that she remembered her life before she was born. I asked what she remembered and her response was that Heavenly Father and Jesus gave her a blessing. i personally believe that most if not all of us received a blessing and were set apart for what ever our purpose was to be in this life. As for the question of whether God really knows me and cares about me, I have my answer.

BarbMay 20, 2014

Your personal discoveries always encourage me. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

Annette MillerMay 20, 2014

I love Wally Goddard and believe that he is on special assignment to teach us to look at our Father (and each other) in a very personal way -- even an intimate way -- such as a kind, righteous earthly father would do for his children.

Becky RoseMay 20, 2014

My patriarchal blessing says I was given a blessing before I left and that I talked to Heavenly Mother and she counseled with me!

CraigMay 20, 2014

This is a subject I am not very comfortable with. I believe in the idea we existed before mortality, but God doesn't want us to remember for a reason. I also think he doesn't want us speculating about it. It doesn't do us any good. I think thinking too much about this is like thinking about all the other worlds God created, it's not for us to know.

L. Karen Platt PlattMay 20, 2014

I appreciate your article it is very important. Would like to add in addition that we can know what that premortal counsel was by reading patriarchal blessing, scriptures that refer to gifts and asking Heavenly Father. As information is given and as we grow in gospel becoming eligible for companionship of HG, we will be led to experiences to fulfill our purpose on earth. Also we need to learn how to pull atonement into our lives and we need to stop beating ourselves up all the time by talking about it which constant ly reminds us and everyone about the heartache and mistakes. Best testimony is showing strength in gospel and teaching doctrine. Too often hurtful experiences are used by many as an avenue for sympathy and crying constantly everytime even though the experience happened decades ago. We need to show solid faith in gospel by showing hiw we were healed by Savior.

Teri NineMay 20, 2014

Thank you. Very much.

Cameron May 20, 2014

This is an interesting concept, God as almost a micro-manager, which would be great but people committ suicide, give up on life, turn to addictions, how is God intimately involved in all of that? Why does he let things get so bad that people do these things? Is he indifferent and cruel?

JGMay 20, 2014

Thank you, Dr. Wally . I needed that this morning. It was an answer to prayers.

Terry AndersonMay 20, 2014

Roy Mills, the author of The Souls Remembrance, would agree with you. He's not LDS, but can recall his pre-existance life.



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