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January 23, 2025

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robin allanMay 15, 2014

I have expeieced this utter darkness while visiting the cango caves in south Africa but due to the fact that I had become inactive I did not think about it at the time but this has reminded me of that day.i have been active for the last 25 years or so.thank you for this article as I remember that day very well and remember how beautiful the sight as the light came on at the beauty of the the staligtites and stagmites when the light returned.

IreneJanuary 8, 2014

Did he loose his membership of the Churche because he went to jail? Is that possible?

A Friend in Exile January 2, 2014

My Dear Friend Darla, As always I love reading your words of light, faith and testimony. I am grateful you know, His grace is sufficient, and each day I continue to understand the joy of His light, grace, and the miracle of His Atonement in new and exciting ways. You are a kindred spirit and know how hard the challenges of life can stretch us to our limits, but more important you know the Light of Christ guides us out of darkness, as you have so beautifully illustrated. I thank you for your love and friendship through joy. Joy reminds me of the miracle we are expecting and we pray it comes soon. May joy fill your season always.

DebbieDecember 30, 2013

Darla, it seems that each article you write is exactly what I need to read. After listening to world news each evening for the past month, my heart began to be darkened as I contemplated the wickedness of the world that has caused so much suffering. Instead of turning toward Christ, I was turning my face downward in despair. Your article has once again helped me to focus on our dear Savior, his healing power, his love and light. Thank you. I will listen less to the news and more to the words of Christ.

EvelynDecember 28, 2013

Ah, Darla, thank you for opening this reader's eyes to 'sensing the light of truth' with spiritual eyes. Your imagery and testimony guided my thoughts to what I can do to allow more light into my life. Beautiful essay! Thank you.

HeinDecember 27, 2013

Darla, I just love this message!! And I love LIGHT! I am a horticulturist and have a profound appreciation for the necessity of light to make things stay alive in the plant kingdom. I love the way God developed plants to harvest this light energy though photosynthesis and because of that we can survive by feeding off that light! I firmly believe we are scratching on the surface with regards our understanding of the importance of this Light of Christ in all things! You start looking at the physics and behavior of light waves and it becomes mind boggling! I like (hymn 335-Brightly beams our Father's Mercy) for this very reason, depicting the saving light of the Savior as that of a lighthouse imparting the saving light to ships approaching the shore. I've used this topic of the Savior's light in a talk before and your insights have given me much more to think about and build unto ! Thanks!



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