A Tiny Christmas Miracle
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Comments | Return to Story
DroundyDecember 21, 2013
Mine .little baby angel passed away in 1977. My miracle, I am BYU China Teqcher and snowed with work and Christmas, and was gigging to delete this e-mail then paused and read your article. The song is perfect, I just change the name of the baby. Thank you for sharing the lovely song. Music heals.
Geri PrattDecember 20, 2013
I love your music!! All of it!! Has this song been recorded for purchase? I would love to buy it. Thank you for your wonderful talent.
Carol HansenDecember 20, 2013
Living only one day, our Jeffrey too lives with Heavenly Faither until we hold him in our arms once more. Thank you for your beautiful, meaningful song---a gift to me today.
Karen December 20, 2013
How hopeless we would feel without the gospel! Thank you for sharing. I wish I could hear your song for your little son. How much he must love you.
CherylDecember 20, 2013
Thank you for sharing your heart, which you do so very well.
JoyceDecember 20, 2013
A sweet and touching lullaby. Thank you for sharing.
linda s.December 19, 2013
Thank you.
jmmpDecember 19, 2013
What a beautiful story and song. Thank you!
Marian KingdonDecember 19, 2013
I cried as I read this story of your miracle. Thank you for sharing it.
WayneDecember 19, 2013
That was beautiful - Thank you
Margo NeiderDecember 19, 2013
I loved your story about your baby boy. We also had a baby girl in 1976 who only lived 2 days because of the Rh factor. Thank you for sharing. The song is so beautiful. Sweet tender mercies!
Diane EllisDecember 19, 2013
This story and the song especially brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it. And Lynne did such a beautiful job singing it. I don't know how she kept her composure. Such a sweet and tender song. Thanks for all your talents that you share. Love you.