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February 10, 2025

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KristiOctober 3, 2013

I always love your messages, spelling be darned.

Dr Neil ChickSeptember 27, 2013

Please!!!! Get your spelling right before you go to press. You spell the name of that great and wonderful man several ways, all of the wrong. But the message is great. It's a pity, like the crossing of the great waters, it was rather a rough passage.

JaeSeptember 26, 2013

I love the visual you create with the use of the word(s) steer and steerage and agree whole-heartedly that we do need to allow the Lord access to our lives to guide (steer) us in the directions he would have us go. As the world continues to decline we will be lost in the chaos without Him. Thank you for this beautiful reminder.

SarahSeptember 23, 2013

What a great article, thank you so much!!

GeneSeptember 23, 2013

That should be Mahonri .......

Brice JensonSeptember 23, 2013

The only reference to the Brother of Jared being named Mahonri Moriancumer is in a footnote to an article titled,

BobSeptember 23, 2013

You got the name Mahonri spelled correctly in the body of the article, but you have incorrectly spelled it Moronhi in the title and in your daily email.



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