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February 15, 2025

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Kathryn HalesJuly 28, 2013

These groups might work well where there are sufficient numbers of LDS. In my area of central Washington where we are scattered, it is hard. Any other suggestions for websites we can participate in on-line?

Wayne KartchnerJuly 26, 2013

I love our monthly Empty Nest Family Home Evenings. We have the most amazing speakers. It is easy to get someone to speak and everybody knows someone who is interesting.

Dianna CurrieJuly 26, 2013

We have in our ward three widowers we call the "three wise men". We invite them to our home for dinner and enjoy their life stores and wisdom. It's always a fun night!

Teresa BruceJuly 25, 2013

I'd like to point out that not all the widowed are senior empty-nesters! Many younger widows and widowers also find meaningful, fulfilling friendships through their associations with one another, but it can be very difficult to do so while still juggling the needs of their nestlings.

Charlene LeachJuly 25, 2013

Other suggestions: A water aerobics class in the mornings at our community center gets me going in the morning and the cost is very reasonable. It also brings me into contact with others my age for developing friendships. Classes and low cost meals at the community center offer this also. In addition, belonging to the Daughter of Utah Pioneers finds me in company with many in my age group and situation. Developing hobbies, such as taking Chord Organ music lessons, scheduling an afternoon a week at the Temple and serving others by providing rides add a balance in addition to empty nesters and church activities. I find that the community also offers a lot of free concerts, etc. that enrich my interests. Along with taking an interest in Family History, I never have a dull moment but have made many friends wherever I go.

GloJuly 25, 2013

Yes, this group might find it difficult finding a fit but another group you have omitted from this article is the Divorced Senior. Although it is not openly stated, there is the hint of a stigma on us who are in this category.

DonJuly 25, 2013

Funny that I should read this item today. Some 10 years ago, we began an Empty Nester pot luck luncheon at the church building. Up to 20 members enjoyed a meal and camaraderie. This went on for over 5 years, until I and one other brother found it increasingly difficult to set up the tables and chairs. About the same time I observed members of this group bringing to the pot luck items purchased at a cost greater than the senior price at one of two local buffets. We moved the luncheon to the buffet and about 3 years ago, with the help of a senior missionary couple added a monthly fireside. The group has remained small, but very enjoyable. Once a senior member brought 3 of his grand children ages 4 to 9 to the luncheon. All in all, it was a great luncheon. While there seems no official church program, nothing stops you from speaking with your bishop and beginning an empty nester program for your seniors. We have singles and married attendees. So far, no romances. We do ask discussions at lunch not include politics nor religion. Do have a pair of single non member women who come to lunch on a regular basis. They get to know us as people interested in people.

Pam HarrelJuly 25, 2013

Thanks for the article, you did a great job of expressing our feelings and the plans for our NorCal group. Below is our website plan; "Want to get out of the house? Want to meet other Northern California LDS Widows/Widowers? This is the place for you!! This is a group dedicated to widowed members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This Facebook page is not officially sponsored by, or affiliated with, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but we do strive to abide by LDS principles and standards as we share. Use this "safe" place as a point of refuge and release. Express ideas, thoughts, memories, and make new ones! We hope to connect with others and get out and have some fun!! Friends of other faiths willing to abide by LDS standards may request to join. Here we can share common interests and experiences. This is not a "singles" page. It is a place of support and friendship. We strive to address the unique needs of Widows/Widowers of all ages." Our NorCal group plans FHE, Potlucks, Temple Trips, movie nights, etc. and go on outings in the community such as dancing, the Sacramento Jazz Festival and we are working on a Widow & Widower Conference for next spring. If this sounds like a place for you, contact me at [email protected] Pam~ (with Robyn & Tom)

WendyJuly 25, 2013

I wish there were groups like this for younger empty-nesters (people who are married but don't have children).

Marilyn ZollingerJuly 25, 2013

I live in a ward that is primarily members under the age of 50. I'm 81 and one of the oldest members. I am a widow of four years and am definitely not looking for a mate. I still consider myself married. I have a calling but still feel somewhat disconnected. I have adult children nearby so I have family support but it doesn't compensate for the loss of my husband. The loss doesn't lessen over time.

Lin FLoydJuly 25, 2013

I'm ab LDS empty nester, formerly divorced, never widowed yet and am quite aware of singles concerns in the church. I have written a book FHE Ideas for Empty Nesters and Singles. Learn more on my blog



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