Watch Out World! Here Come the Sisters of Zion!
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By Daris Howard -
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Dot FreemanJuly 18, 2013
Janice, you continue to amaze me with your wonderful talent to write such inspiring lyrics. The Sisters of Zion is beautiful and will be treasured by our sister missionaries. Thank you!
Alfredo ChandiaJuly 6, 2013
This is great! I have a girl currently serving and another one getting ready to go as soon as her fall semester is over at BYU. This is great inspiring music for the sisters.
Ethelyn DwigansJuly 2, 2013
As always I'm inspired of the music and words that are given to us. This will inspire us all more to be what the Lord expects. The Gospel is going forth!!!!
Dianne ShepherdJuly 2, 2013
As a returned missionary from many years ago, I love this song and I love Sister Perry's music. It's a Miracle was out when I served. It brings tears to my eyes and reminds me of what a wonderful blessing to be a member of our Church.
FredJune 25, 2013
Actually, it turns out that all of Preach My Gospel is there. Three seconds of the track from the third line got moved. I was able to use an editor to move it back where it belongs, cut the pops, and the song is absolutely beautiful. I sure hope they get a good copy linked soon.
KevanJune 25, 2013
We noticed 1 word distinctly different when they sang, than from these printed. Last line, 2nd verse = glad "message" was sung, instead of glad "tidings." Both are appropriate, and so beautiful.
Rosemary KleinJune 23, 2013
I have enjoyed your inspiring lyrics and music, both by listening to and playing them for many years. These new songs are so uplifting and I'm eager to teach them to my young granddaughters to inspire them toward their missions in a few years. Thank you for continuing to share your wonderful talents!
Brent TaylorJune 22, 2013
Link on Preach My Gospel is broken (track badly skips).
Daphne ColesJune 21, 2013
Our daughter Ciara has been preparing for years to serve a mission for the church. She wrote home just this week from the MTC to tell us about this amazing and inspiring new hymn! Thank you for your wonderful talents and your willingness to share it with the world!
Diane EllisJune 21, 2013
These songs are amazing. And you are amazing that you continue to write such beautiful music that inspires so many all over the world. You truly have a marvelous gift. Thanks for sharing again.
DeannaJune 21, 2013
So glad to see the new songs for sister. We love the sister missionaries. They show such great enthusiasm and can reach certain people that the elders can't.
Linda WoodsJune 21, 2013
Thank you! Wonderful music and lyrics. This music will impact our sisters and others throughout the world in many lovely and positive ways.