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Tony AndersonJune 19, 2013
Spray some white vinegar on your dandelions & check them the next morning
Robert CowartJune 19, 2013
As one who has battled dandelions I felt for you . I will never think of dandelions the same way again. Bob
Sharon NobleJune 19, 2013
I would like to disagree with you regarding dandelions, If I can get any that have not been sprayed (i do not have a garden and so like your daughter I have to go searching for them) I use the new leaves in salad, the tops for a refreshing drink and also a conditioner for my hair, the roots to make a coffee type drink. There are lots of recipes for using them, also once you have dug out the roots, they don't grow anymore.
FranzJune 19, 2013
I, too, believed that dandelions were a terrible scourge, and a weed to get rid of as quickly as possible. That is, until I studied herbalism and found out that they are one of Nature's best and tastiest Detox formulas, right there in your lawn. The flowers are sweet and tasty eaten raw, or added to smoothies and the green, tender leaves are nice in a salad. Both parts are used for their vitamins and minerals and because they really help the liver to detox. Dandelions are a good source of Folate, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Vitamin K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Iron, Potassium and Manganese. Since my discovery, I carefully guard my dandelions and eat them regularly, and I let my children spread them by blowing their seeds every spring. Enjoy this God-given gift!