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February 13, 2025

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Atalie Van DamMarch 28, 2013

I have been pondering on this question for a long time. It is time to act. Thank you for the inspired direction and counsel!

MarieMarch 27, 2013

Thank you so much. This article is extremely helpful. I play six musical instruments and I am a counselor for teens and for the elderly. I know I can be a blessing but I wasn't sure how exactly. You have given me a key that I will use daily.

JemezblueMarch 26, 2013

My God-Given Talent serves my Heavenly Father. I have returned to school later in life and I am finishing up my Master's Degree in U.S. West History. Despite many problems with returning to school, I decided to dedicate my education to Heavenly Father and I have been directed with kindness in my education. Today, I start my Master's Thesis and I know that my research will help the people in New Mexico. I do this because my Heavenly Father has sent me on an errand and I will finish this work.

JanetMarch 26, 2013

That was perfect. I have been wondering how in the world I was going to be able to do what my patriarchal blessing said I was to do, and you have shown the way, by opening the door to receiving personal revelation on it. Thank you!

Calene March 26, 2013

Wow. Thank you.



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