Mariah, after 71 trips around the sun I can tell you most assuredly that time is not a linear function. The older you get, the faster it goes by. In fact, the speed of its passing now makes me wonder if children - even babies - have actually seen the largest chunk of the time in this life that they have been allotted.
Enjoy the endless days between now and April 25 as I know you will. And please keep me and the rest of your fans posted on your experiences.
Bob Sisk
Chandler, Arizona
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Bob SiskFebruary 18, 2013
Mariah, after 71 trips around the sun I can tell you most assuredly that time is not a linear function. The older you get, the faster it goes by. In fact, the speed of its passing now makes me wonder if children - even babies - have actually seen the largest chunk of the time in this life that they have been allotted. Enjoy the endless days between now and April 25 as I know you will. And please keep me and the rest of your fans posted on your experiences. Bob Sisk Chandler, Arizona