This is such a beautiful podcast...thank you both for being such devoted disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ and for your heartfelt testimonies. Love you and thank you for all you do.
Sherelyn CuretonMarch 29, 2021
I would love a picture of that lighted stairwell. Thank you for sharing this podcast each week. I anxiously await for them!! I cry when you share an experience that just touches my soul.
MeagenMarch 29, 2021
Hello! Can you please share the picture of the open door with the stone staircase? If you still have it? Thank you!
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PeneApril 1, 2021
This is such a beautiful podcast...thank you both for being such devoted disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ and for your heartfelt testimonies. Love you and thank you for all you do.
Sherelyn CuretonMarch 29, 2021
I would love a picture of that lighted stairwell. Thank you for sharing this podcast each week. I anxiously await for them!! I cry when you share an experience that just touches my soul.
MeagenMarch 29, 2021
Hello! Can you please share the picture of the open door with the stone staircase? If you still have it? Thank you!