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December 8, 2024

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MarcFebruary 4, 2021

If you have ever split wood or used a chainsaw, you will know that an afternoon of cutting, lifting, and stacking firewood can be exhausting. The Smith family would have been doing that (minus the chainsaw) for hours, day-in and day-out. Lifting 45 pounds is not impossible. How many moms pick up their young kids at that weight? Joseph Smith with his size and strength could have done that easily. Keeping the plates safe: The original CrossFit!

PamJanuary 22, 2021

Thank you! I agree with Alece. Fearing for his life and on such an important errand from the Lord, he would definitely have the strength to do such a feat.

Harold StuartJanuary 21, 2021

This article is a somber reminder to not believe everything you read, especially when it comes from anti-mormon literature. There is too much at stake.

Stewart LangJanuary 19, 2021

My wife made the comment that try carrying a 10lb -20lb baby along with a car seat and getting from point A to B and opening doors!!! LOL P.S. Our oldest of 4 was 9lb 15oz at birth and she is 5ft too - check those arms on our young mothers!

GinaJanuary 18, 2021

It’s just like picking up my 6 year old to play with him or carry him around. 45-60 isn’t that much, esp with adrenaline going, and momentum (he was running downhill, after all).

Jo Ann OkelberryJanuary 18, 2021

My husband could have done all that with little effort. He was farm boy. He used to carry heavy bales of hay and throw them on the hay truck. He carried 100 pound sacks of potatoes. When we served a mission, the missionaries were so astonished at his strength. Not one of his students could ever beat him in arm wrestling. Of course, Joseph could do all that heavy lifting and running. He was farm boy.

Alece ReynoldsJanuary 18, 2021

I remember a set of young male missionaries who were helping our daughter move. They repeatedly carried packed, Rubbermaid 18 gallon tubs -- one under each arm -- up a set of stairs -- while nearly running up those stairs. The rest of us were gobsmacked watching them as we had trouble carrying one tub at a time up those stairs at a walking pace! The Bishop who had been watching this chalked it up to bottled up testosterone run amok! I think that fearing for his life would have given a very strong young Joesph Smith enough adrenalin to get the job done!



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