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February 18, 2025

Comments | Return to Story

Carole ManleyDecember 5, 2020

Thank you

Tina GavedNovember 22, 2020

Maureen, this Story about beginning your writing career was a true miracle. Changing the subject ... I have thought about your biking accident so much as my husband and I also rode the Hiawatha Trail. That first tunnel was frightening! I felt your emotions. I pray you have made a full recovery. I absolutely love your weekly podcasts. Thank you for sharing your talent and testimonies each week.

Vivian AdamsNovember 20, 2020

This was a wonderful article. The beautiful thing is that the Lord knew you would use this great ability to bless others for the rest of your life.

Pat MerrickNovember 17, 2020

I have also found that some of the greatest growth I have had is after struggling for hours after the Lord has "opened the door". Thank you for sharing all your insights.

Craig FrogleyNovember 14, 2020

Thank you, Maurine...That was even more significant to me knowing that you write it while struggling with the consequences of your bike accident. You and Scott are such examples to all of us in the details of our lives.

AnnaNovember 14, 2020

Several of your well-expressed thoughts, in well-crafted sentences, met a specific need for me today. Thank you for sharing. We were a young family in Chicagoland beginning in 1979, The climate then was not warm toward our way of approaching life as women. I would love to read those articles and your insights.

Kevin RNovember 13, 2020

Really appreciated this article. Got me thinking about the times when the Lord intervened on my behalf.

Diane QuistNovember 13, 2020

President Monsen said there were no coincidences. I remember this comment whenever things come together nicely or unexpectantly. The Lord has a hand in these “coincidences”.

VAL C. LEWISNovember 13, 2020

Thank you, Maurine, that was wonderful! I love hearing stories of God working in our lives. My first story like this happened in 1962 and is titled, "Walk through that building". The result was miraculous and has led to many more.

RBaconNovember 13, 2020

I really loved this article, thank you so much. Yes He has been there for me also in the details of my life and I give thanks to Him everyday.

Douglas ZimmerNovember 13, 2020

You mentioned how we can't usually 'see' this intervention at the time of occurrence. The Jewish sages say this is a shadow or type of Exodus 33:22-23: 22 And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by: 23 And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen. The Lord 'covers' our understanding and allows us a glimpse later when we must decide if the event was coincidence. The Jews also say that calling something a coincidence is akin to blasphemy, for obviously good reason.

Maryann TaylorNovember 13, 2020

I agree that the phone call was not random nor a coincidence. You had a beautiful answer to prayer that cannot be denied. I think so many times we receive help from the Lord and we just don't recognize it at the time. Perhaps we can train ourselves to immediately offer thanks to the Lord WHENEVER ANYTHING GOOD happens by remembering we are to acknowledge the hand of the Lord in ALL things. We can also acknowledge his hand in our lives even in our disappointments or sorrows--He knows what we need.

Sharon Lee BrownNovember 13, 2020

Thank you so much for sharing this. It is wonderful. Sharon

Phil HarrisonNovember 13, 2020

Thank you so much for this tender story. It is such a good reminder that the Lord is always mindful of us, even when we fail to remember Him. As I look back on my life, I can see so many times the Lord directed my path, through jobs I got and jobs I didn't get, to move me around the country to put me where I needed to be to have certain experiences and meet certain people. I've been writing a personal history which I am calling "In His Hands," because I recognize that's where I have been through all seven decades of my life. Three years ago I was diagnosed with ALS, an incurable, degenerative, terminal disease. As I become more and more dependent on others, and simultaneously more dependent on Him, I asked the Lord almost constantly, what He wants me to learn from this experience. I'm sure I won't understand fully until I get to the other side and He can explain it to me face-to-face. But what an adventure in the meantime! Thank you again for sharing your story.

DianeNovember 13, 2020

What a cool story! Thank you for sharing it!

Robert D StarlingNovember 13, 2020

Thanks Maurine, for reminding us all that our Heavenly Father is indeed "in the details" of our lives. If we can just recognize those "tender mercies" for the blessings they are, our lives will be filled with much more joy and happiness.

Judi EnglishNovember 13, 2020

What an amazing miracle! Thanks for sharing.

Buffie BarkdullNovember 13, 2020

The spiritual insights you shared from your sacred life experiences spoke pure truth to my soul. Thank you for sharing your gift of writing and expression. It blessed me in a profound way today.

Jan StrongNovember 13, 2020

I love this story! Thank you for sharing. Looking in the rear view mirror, we can clearly see the Lord guiding and leading us along, even miraculously opening that Red Sea for us. This story is a lovely reminder of the goodness and greatness of God. Thanks for the beautiful memory and timely reminder.

Deanna SasserNovember 13, 2020

Maureen, I loved this article and I know, especially as I get older, that God is in the details of my life and my family. I have learned patience and learned to be still and I am able to look back and see the struggles we have gone through and know that they helped me to grow, have more faith and trust the Lord. I still struggle but, yes, He loves me and I love my Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit that guides me. Now, I would love to read that first article that you wrote years ago if you still have it. Thank you to you and Scott for your amazing job as editors of The Meridian Magazine. You are both wonderful and I love your Podcasts that my husband and I listen to each Sunday together. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.



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