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February 13, 2025

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ScoutHJuly 16, 2020

I am grateful that you found something that worked for you. There are many approaches that work. I was able to reduce overall cholesterol from from 446 to 164 (yes, I really mean 446 to 164) over two months by following the Rosedale Diet. It's not rocket science; it's just very Word-of-Wisdom-y. No expensive supplements, just some common sense guidelines. My doctor was absolutely stunned. Had I not had two cholesterol tests within a week that conformed my sky-high count before beginning the process and two tests within a week at the end, my doctor would have thought that the lab had made a mistake. He said that this kind of thing simply isn't scientifically possible. After all, our best cholesterol improvement drugs can only be expected to drop total count 18-30 points, he said. Actually, you can get radical results when you're willing to make radical lifestyle changes. It's just that most people aren't willing to make the major changes needed to effect wildly better outcomes.

LesJuly 15, 2020

I agree with Jolean. Learning to follow the Word of Wisdom is a wise choice.

JoJeanJuly 13, 2020

I brought my cholesterol down from over 200 to 127 by just giving up meat, dairy, and eggs. That was only one of the astonishing benefits from going whole food plant based, i.e., following the prescriptions in the Word of Wisdom.



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