How Can I Help My Children to Gain and Retain Their Own Testimonies?
Come Follow Me Podcast #7: “Upon You My Fellow Servants”, Doctrine and Covenants 12-17; JSH 1: 66-75
Dews of Heaven Podcast: What is Your Heart’s Desire?
The Prophet Announces Salt Lake Temple Open House Celebration Dates
BYU Jerusalem Center to resume academic programs spring 2025
Fifteen New Hymns Available to Use in Church and at Home
Comments | Return to Story
Jennie RounsevilleJuly 7, 2020
I have enjoyed these articles and look forward to having them in my tool box (or my spiritual well) for when I’m searching for more understanding. I appreciate the confirmation of the gospel truth and light I have found as I have read them. I thank the authors for taking the time to explore the issues of family revelation. I appreciate the length they have gone to not to shame the reader. It feels good to know that you are ok and that the “struggle” (with all its imperfections) is what is needed.