Michael McLean’s New Song about the Sacred Grove
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MarilynJune 28, 2020
You always inspire me! Hope you will continue to share your successes and your life with us.I will try harder to LOOK UP when I m down.
Rick BeardApril 26, 2020
That song was tremendous you did it again Michael! That was absolutely beautiful!
Toni Ann StewartApril 21, 2020
Michael McLean never disappoints. He is such a hero to me. I love everything I've ever heard that he's done, and I've tried to own everything I can get my hands on. Thank you MIchael McLean for your marvelous gift and talent and for never ceasing to listen and "look up". You inspire me more than I can say. You have been a life-long inspiration to me and my family. I love your testimony and I hear it in all of your work.
James BerryApril 5, 2020
I haven't listened to all of Michael's songs but really, is anything better than this?
ChrisApril 4, 2020
Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift because you Hear Him!
Sally MaddocksApril 4, 2020
Such a beautiful song that has brought joy to my life at the start of this Conference weekend. Your music is always so inspiring and this new song is another one to uplift my soul.
Barbara W. WebbApril 3, 2020
Absolutely awe-inspiring truth.....thank you so much for sharing this tonight .
Millie CampbellApril 2, 2020
Perfection!! I am sure all the believers, on this side and the other side of the veil are singing this gorgeous song with you as Joseph Smith looked up at HEAVENLY FATHER and JESUS CHRIST. They are the only two that are going to get us through this as we listen to the world's prophet President Nelson for heavenly guidance.
BretApril 2, 2020
That is one cool song.
DilannApril 2, 2020
I am still crying. I know this is true. I am so thankful I have the gospel in my life. This has inspired me to ask several nonmembers to watch General Conference this weekend. Thank you Michael.
Jane R.April 2, 2020
Were Joseph and Hyrum together in liberty jail? I think they were together in Carthage hail but not in liberty jail.
Brian S. HeathApril 2, 2020
Two young men knocked on my door in Banbury, England fifty five years ago and told me about Joseph Smith. My wife, Joy, and I were baptised in June1965 in the Hyde Park chapel in London. Our lives changed for the better. We have visited Nauvoo and Carthage and after all these years my testimony has never wavered, I know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet called of God to restore the true church to the earth and that church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Ann Blake-TracyApril 2, 2020
Thank you! Absolutely beautiful! Never stop singing Michael because whether you realize it or not it is literally keeping you alive because of its healing affect upon the pineal gland - our connection to the spiritual. I am sorry you have suffered through so much. I had to leave Utah in 2005 because I could no longer bear to witness the destruction of so many members. I am grateful you survived your faith crisis. Congratulations!
Alec reynoldsApril 1, 2020
Beautiful song, my only change would be to the scene. The woods in upstate New York at this time of year are still brown and brittle . There is very little , if any greenery around the end of March, and even deep into April. Nearly all those who picture it for us miss this except Walter Rane. In a way, the brown and grey and rust with only tiny bits of green is so much more symbolic of what happened in the grove that day as the world awakened from ages of dark slumber to the beginning of light and newness of life and spiritual growth!
CamalaApril 1, 2020
Wow my children grew up listening to all of Michael's songs. Now as we prepare to have our first grandchild they too will be blessed by his music. This song is amazing and so is Michael's gift.
Kim HatchApril 1, 2020
Beautiful song and message and especially after your crisis of faith that you told of before... See God trusted you to come through and you did. Inspirational. Thank you for your music.
Lucretia RodgersApril 1, 2020
That is beautiful beyond words. I still have chills after listening to this beautiful song. Thank you for magnifying your God given talent.
Debbie MartinApril 1, 2020
Thanks AGAIN Michael!!! I love your music. It has helped me through SO many things in my life for SO many years! Never stop! You're awesome. Thanks for sharing your talents to lift and bless so many lives - especially mine!
Eileen McIntyreApril 1, 2020
I love Michael McLean's music. He has such a wonderful talent and this song - music and words - is so beautiful.
Aurora BallestrinMarch 31, 2020
That was so beautiful it sent shivers up my spine. Thank you for having the spirit with you to produce such an amazing testimony of the Restoration.
Forrest Phelps-CookMarch 31, 2020
Touched me so deeply and brought me to tears. I am so very thankful for Joseph Smith and for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
Marcia AndersonMarch 31, 2020
God BLESS Michael McClean . He has done it again! “Gentle”,.....”You’re Not Alone”,....and now “He Looked Up”...and so many more along the way. Michael’s music speaks straight to the heart and blesses and lifts all of us/. Thank you, dear friend.
ChadMarch 31, 2020
Who is the vocalist? Is that Jordan Bluth????
Marie ButcherMarch 31, 2020
Beautiful and inspiring. I hope this will be on a CD too so I can buy it.
Larry SmithMarch 31, 2020
Wow, is all I can say. Powerful yet inspiring. I love how you have adapted to the style of music so familiar to youth today. Truly inspirational. Thank you!
PhyllisMarch 30, 2020
Love it!
Shelley MerrillMarch 30, 2020
To merely say that the Spirit overwhelmed me as I listened to this beautiful song would be a gross understatement. Absolutely beautiful and soul stirring.
Jo Ann OkelberryMarch 30, 2020
This is so uplifting. I think I have a different perspective now.
Mary Helen ParsonsMarch 30, 2020
What a wonderful way to express oneself. Thanks,Michael. Music is what brings the spirit o me.
Jane HalesMarch 30, 2020
Thank you. It is a simply beautiful description of that amazing place and event.
CarlMarch 30, 2020
This is SO beautiful!!!
PMMarch 30, 2020
Thank you, it has been to long. Your music and you always touch my soul's heart.
Alisi I FiliagaMarch 30, 2020
Love thy lyrics and music, your gift reflects on this historic event. A history that brought hope and light to me personally. My faith and testimony has strengthened by the Smith family and especially by the prophet Joseph Smith, I can't wait to thank him personally for his sacrifice! Again thank you for the music!
Shelley S.March 30, 2020
Beautiful song and beautiful testimony of the Restoration! Thank you for sharing this with the world!
DianeMarch 30, 2020
Beautiful!!!!! So inspiring and insightful.
Ann CapelMarch 30, 2020
Very powerful and beautiful! Thank you.
Julie CookMarch 30, 2020
What a wonderful message! Looking up! Music...powerful songs like this indeed help me to look up and to remember the witness born to my heart of Gods love.