Excellent thoughts. Cute notion about 'buying a ticket on the Pity Boat with Satan at the helm'. Thanks much.
GTOJanuary 30, 2020
My mother (who was not a member of the Church) had NPD but she was also a hurt-hoarder. She hoarded supposed hurts "inflicted" by my innocent father over the years and finally filed for divorce. Years later, she realized that she had had no grounds. She wanted to get back together, but my father could not even consider it after the years of abuse she had inflicted upon him. An interesting thing is that this hoarding showed up in her physical appearance. She looked aged way beyond her years. Watching her, I decided this is a behavior I would never engage in.
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Herm OlsenJanuary 30, 2020
Excellent thoughts. Cute notion about 'buying a ticket on the Pity Boat with Satan at the helm'. Thanks much.
GTOJanuary 30, 2020
My mother (who was not a member of the Church) had NPD but she was also a hurt-hoarder. She hoarded supposed hurts "inflicted" by my innocent father over the years and finally filed for divorce. Years later, she realized that she had had no grounds. She wanted to get back together, but my father could not even consider it after the years of abuse she had inflicted upon him. An interesting thing is that this hoarding showed up in her physical appearance. She looked aged way beyond her years. Watching her, I decided this is a behavior I would never engage in.