my condolences to Darla's family and friends. i enjoyed her writings. she was very insightful. she will be missed.
Susan Corpany CurtisAugust 28, 2019
As a fellow columnist from years past, I got to know Darla and looked forward to her uplifting articles that always seemed to touch on something to which I could relate, probably because she had the courage to be real about her own struggles and shortcomings. She will be missed, but I am quite sure she is finding new avenues for her talents.
Peggy McFarlandAugust 28, 2019
Thank you so much for this wonderful tribute to my dear friend. You captured her spirit so well. I celebrate that she is now at peace, though I will miss her dearly.
Charles DefranchiAugust 24, 2019
I was very sorry to read about Darla's passing away, because I had developed some kind of a friendship with her through a few Email exchanges. I can only conclude that time had come for her to move into a much better and more peaceful world, especially to reunite with her son, whose suicide must have been the most devastating experience of her life. Her example and teachings do represent another confirmation of the good fruits this gospel can produce in people's lives.
Kathy MedlarAugust 24, 2019
Yes, Darla was a Special "Earth Angel." Her articles touched my soul, especially the last article she wrote. I hope you wll keep her articles archived on Meridan magazine. She wlll live on in my heart and I would enjoy revisitng her articles.
Sue AndrewsAugust 23, 2019
Darla and I shared the loss of each of our sons. I appreciated so much the correspondence we had several years ago. Her words were much needed at that awful time of my life. I’m saddened to hear of her death.
Jeriann Hughes MarksAugust 23, 2019
I will truly miss you Darla and the wisdom you so generously imparted. Thank you and take care of my husband who I am sure you will meet.
Adams, KathrynAugust 22, 2019
Thank-you Maurine, Darla touched me personally with her beautiful spirit, as well. I was privileged to meet her, at a singles conference in Charlotte, NC about 2004, where she was the featured speaker, and I sang a song I wrote. Darla, wrote and published a beautiful article in the Meridian Magazine, about me and I will be forever grateful for her love and encouragement. She will always have a special place in my heart! Thanks to you and Scot for your ministry through the Meridian Magazine , it is ray of light in a dark world, sincerely, Kathryn Adams
Sharma AndersonAugust 22, 2019
Please keep her articles available in the archives. She had such wisdom and I would love to be able to go back and reread her contributions.
CatherineAugust 22, 2019
So many times when I doubted myself, wondered if I'd EVER be "good enough" I'd find one of Darls's articles in the daily Meridian updates always on days when I needed them the most. I always regarded those as "tender mercies" and a witness that God really does know what I need and when I need it.
Stephanie BillingsleyAugust 22, 2019
We're all better for having known Darla, even if only through her writing. I am blessed to have had her in my ward family for many years and will miss her dearly. She has now joined quite a remarkable group of women from our ward on the other side and I smile at the thought of that sweet reunion and all the work they must be doing. Her life is a testament to trusting in the Lord and His goodness. What a blessing to remember even just a bit of her wisdom each day. Love you, Darla. See you again one day.
Linda WattsAugust 22, 2019
I MUST make the arduous effort of using the keyboard. My "feeble hands that hang down" have been aptly and abundantly reminded of the availability of "strength beyond my own" as I've read your inspired/inspiring tribute to Darla, as well as How to Make the Sacrifice of a Broken Heart by H.Wallace Goddard. As I face the frustrations of muscle deterioration insidiously imposed on my body by IBM [inclusion body myositis], what I've read has refueled my fortitude tank and deepened my reverence for the absolute reality of individual/personal strength and peace accessed through the immense/infinite atonement of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I am greatly grateful for the free newsletter [which, I'm sorry to say I only recently have opened...having thought it was one of manymanymany health solicitors I see daily :| I open yours now. Again, THANK YOU!
[just "for the record" - it took an hour to type this. May knowing that help you know of my sincere appreciation]
Nicholeen PeckAugust 22, 2019
This is such a fitting article to memorialize a wonderful woman! Darla wrote an article about me years ago and I got to feel her heart in the process. She was full of love for me and for all the people who would read her article. She truly wanted to make the world a more beautiful place. If it weren't for Darla I don't think I would be writing for Meridian. Even though we haven't talked much in recent years, I will always consider her a friend. I think she was the kind of person who was a friend to all who knew her. Darla will be missed!
Michael Shea, MDAugust 22, 2019
Thank you for the lovely eulogy. I always looked forward to Darla Isakson’s articles, filled with memorable prose and solid common-sense wisdom as they were. I don’t think I have found any better way of learning practical religion from reading and pondering her words. I am grateful for the gifts she had and for her willingness to use them for the benefit of her readers, for anyone willing to listen. I did not know her, but I will miss her.
Debbie BakeAugust 22, 2019
Thank you for this beautiful synopsis of Darla's inspiring words. May her spirit continue to influence and bless on both sides of the veil...
Arlene Larsen BascomAugust 22, 2019
Thank you Maurine for your kind, special tribute to my wonderful sister. I was uplifted, and comforted and some of my grief was lifted by your beautiful words. They did a lot to remind me of Darla's faith, words of wisdom, and the influence she has had on me and so many others.. It is inspiring to know that she had such remarkable friends as you and Scot, and that you valued her writing and personality as much as I did. I love Meridian and will forever be grateful for you and Scot and the work you do with Meridian and all your other endeavors.
RitaAugust 22, 2019
Darla's articles were always the first ones I read on the day they came out, and I have forwarded many of them to friends and family going through difficult times. She has been one of the 'tender mercies' the Lord affords us in this life, and will continue to be as her insights and humor are read and re-read.
RitaAugust 22, 2019
Thank you!
Jennie HansenAugust 22, 2019
Long before Darla began writing for Meridian, she accepted my first novel at Covenant Communications. I first met her when I assisted her at a library function and she persuaded me to withdraw that book from a New York publisher and submit it to her instead. I've never regretted that decision. She was a great friend and mentor during that early part of my novel writing career and I later enjoyed reading her contributions to Meridian. She will be greatly missed here, but I have no doubt she will quickly become a part of furthering the Lord's work on the other side as she did here.
Sheila WallAugust 22, 2019
Maurine, thank you for this beautiful tribute to my life-long mentor and dear friend. Sending you a spiritual hug as we both grieve her. I am so happy that she is no longer suffering and she is free to run and climb mountains and do all that her body limited her from doing.
I'm selfishly sobbing like a child who can't catch her breath, and I'm so sad for her husband and family. I will be praying for them and for you and all of Darla's loved ones.
I occasionally looked for her obituary, as I didn't want to disturb her and and take more of her energy by calling her or her husband, and yesterday I decided I would call and found her phone number. That was the day she passed! I must have had some prompting from the Lord. The call was not made. It would have been bad timing if I had called. Darla and I have a mutual friend who was precious to us, she passed a few years ago, and I can imagine them embracing. I am so grateful to know that we can be together again someday. We have lost a light to the world. I hope you will keep her page up with her articles on it so we can refer back to her words of comfort and wisdom.
Ann-Marie JensenAugust 22, 2019
I love Darla's take on the spiritual blessings she received from her trial with cancer. It often gives me pause when we fast and pray for someone's well being in the midst of a tragic event. When that event turns out to our liking, comments often sounds like this: "God is merciful." "God is mindful of us and our needs." "God loves us." How about when that event ends in death? We are wise to echo the same sentiments! I truly appreciate President Nelson's attitude about death. It is a necessary part of The Plan and one of the few ways for us to step into the next sphere of our existence. Darla will continue to be a marvelous example of faith and understanding beyond her own ability. Thanks for the beautiful tribute, Proctors.
Guy WilcoxAugust 22, 2019
I have always saved her articles for future reference as I do so often!
Her courage during the last months are a wonderful example as we all should have! I will cherish her words now more than ever!
Janie BrayAugust 22, 2019
What a sweet article about a dear friend of yours. You have passed on, through her words, the hope we all for eternity, the truth that Heavenly Father loves us, and that even in our imperfect state, we need to trust in our perfect Heavenly Father and His plan for each one of us. Tears come to my eyes as I read this article, the love you shared for each other and our Heavenly Father is so apparent. Even in time of loss, there is always the positive, providing we are willing to look for it. Our Heavenly Father blesses us each and every day, but we have to be open in our hearts and minds to see it. Thank you and bless you for your podcasts. A group of us meet each Sunday and have lunch together and share the message of the podcasts, and our hopes and dreams.
I will close this message to you with a BIG THANK YOU! and something I do for those I meet -HUGS
Stephen SmithAugust 22, 2019
I am sad and happy to hear of Sis. Isakson's passing. I have read many of her articles and saw great insight and wisdom in them. Some of the things she discussed I learned of first hand in my own battles with cancer. I too will miss her deep insights to gospel principles but I believe she is now free of earthly pains and sorrows and feels much more greatly God's love enveloping her in the realm of spirits. I shed a tear for her, for her family and loved ones, and express my deepest condolences to them all. God bless. We will miss her greatly.
Ann SiggardAugust 22, 2019
My heart is truly saddened today. I consider Darla a true friend, even though we have never met! I have feasted at her table of wisdom and experience for many years and my life has changed for the better because she shared her wonderful gifts and insights about our relationship with the Lord! Trust on!!
Kate MerrillAugust 22, 2019
Blessed Darla -- Your words and wisdom reached me in ways needed and yearned for . . . in ways that have given me connection and validation as I navigate the challenges of mortality and spiritual growth. May those words continue to reach others aching to be understood, to feel connected, and to discover hope again. Rest, explore, fly sweet Darla!
KarenAugust 22, 2019
Thank you for sharing this about my Aunt Darla. She has a gift with words and we are fortunate to have eaten at her table of wisdom that she was able to share with us.
Diane IrwinAugust 22, 2019
What a wonderful woman!! I have LOVED her articles. And this article you wrote is the cherry on top. What a marvelous tribute to her. She will be missed.
TerryAugust 22, 2019
Thank us for letting us know her just a little through her writings.
Cynthia M. MoorheadAugust 22, 2019
Thank you for this beautiful article and letting us know about Darla's passing. I have been reading her articles on Meridian for many years and will miss them. I have her book--it has been a blessing to me. What a wonderful example of faith and trust in the Lord she has been!
Doris WilliamsAugust 22, 2019
Maurine, this article was the first thing I read this morning. My heart just melted with love and gratitude for the truths Darla espoused all these years on Meridian.....but also for YOUR words, for your inspired editorship and guidance of Meridian which is a lifeline for so many of us....for your good husband, Scot, for his uplifting, spiritually soaring photographs and words, for your shared podcast, Come Follow Me, which we have shared with our ward and family, and for the precious gospel, restored to the earth, and for all who teach, and share their insights and testimonies. I am eternally grateful.
Nyemahame D NyenweneAugust 22, 2019
Every word that I have read about Darla has just been uplifting. Thank you for writing this article. I believe it makes more sense to me because of the difficult time I am facing having just lost my Dad of cancer a month and 7days today. It's been a three and a half year battle with laryngeal Cancer. The experience has also been much spiritual. I know my Dad is in a better place now. I have been given strength through your message. Thank you
DeNile williamsAugust 22, 2019
I can't begin to tell you how much this article touched me emotionally and spiritually. I feel that I need to read this article over several times on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis. The courage and strength to overcome our earthly obstacles seems less of a challenge from the "medicine" given.
Thank you ever so much for the good that you are doing in the excellent articles that I look forward to with great anticipation each e-mail. Your e-mail articles are the most important email s that I receive.
DeNile Williams
Scott C.August 22, 2019
Though she has passed on from mortality, her messages and insight will last forever. I look forward to re-reading her articles and I will do so with the knowledge that she has now sealed her testimony with how she lived her life. I've never met Darla personally but I feel I know her. Thank you Darla for your example, and thank you Proctor's for publishing her works!
Susanne DavidsonAugust 22, 2019
What a beautiful story of the life of this fine woman, Darla. I am soup.ifted by reading this of her strength, her hope, her trust in God, her love and charity, that I will try to do and be a better person. THANKYOU Darla for your great example, your life of loving, giving, serving, doing for others . May God bless you and help us all to remember the lessons you taught us.
ShielahAugust 22, 2019
Darla will be greatly missed. Her words of encouragement and gospel truths will echo long after her death. I am so thankful to her for always choosing poignant topics that touch lives much beyond her own. We miss you, Darla.
Tanya NeiderAugust 22, 2019
All of us readers of Meridian Magazine will miss Darla! Her voice has carried us through trials, joys, and given us hope along the way. My condolences to all who knew her.
Charles McClellandAugust 22, 2019
Thank you, Maurine, for this heart touching memorial to Darlene. I am forwarding it to a loved one who will be uplifted by what you wrote.
Comments | Return to Story
roxanneSeptember 5, 2019
my condolences to Darla's family and friends. i enjoyed her writings. she was very insightful. she will be missed.
Susan Corpany CurtisAugust 28, 2019
As a fellow columnist from years past, I got to know Darla and looked forward to her uplifting articles that always seemed to touch on something to which I could relate, probably because she had the courage to be real about her own struggles and shortcomings. She will be missed, but I am quite sure she is finding new avenues for her talents.
Peggy McFarlandAugust 28, 2019
Thank you so much for this wonderful tribute to my dear friend. You captured her spirit so well. I celebrate that she is now at peace, though I will miss her dearly.
Charles DefranchiAugust 24, 2019
I was very sorry to read about Darla's passing away, because I had developed some kind of a friendship with her through a few Email exchanges. I can only conclude that time had come for her to move into a much better and more peaceful world, especially to reunite with her son, whose suicide must have been the most devastating experience of her life. Her example and teachings do represent another confirmation of the good fruits this gospel can produce in people's lives.
Kathy MedlarAugust 24, 2019
Yes, Darla was a Special "Earth Angel." Her articles touched my soul, especially the last article she wrote. I hope you wll keep her articles archived on Meridan magazine. She wlll live on in my heart and I would enjoy revisitng her articles.
Sue AndrewsAugust 23, 2019
Darla and I shared the loss of each of our sons. I appreciated so much the correspondence we had several years ago. Her words were much needed at that awful time of my life. I’m saddened to hear of her death.
Jeriann Hughes MarksAugust 23, 2019
I will truly miss you Darla and the wisdom you so generously imparted. Thank you and take care of my husband who I am sure you will meet.
Adams, KathrynAugust 22, 2019
Thank-you Maurine, Darla touched me personally with her beautiful spirit, as well. I was privileged to meet her, at a singles conference in Charlotte, NC about 2004, where she was the featured speaker, and I sang a song I wrote. Darla, wrote and published a beautiful article in the Meridian Magazine, about me and I will be forever grateful for her love and encouragement. She will always have a special place in my heart! Thanks to you and Scot for your ministry through the Meridian Magazine , it is ray of light in a dark world, sincerely, Kathryn Adams
Sharma AndersonAugust 22, 2019
Please keep her articles available in the archives. She had such wisdom and I would love to be able to go back and reread her contributions.
CatherineAugust 22, 2019
So many times when I doubted myself, wondered if I'd EVER be "good enough" I'd find one of Darls's articles in the daily Meridian updates always on days when I needed them the most. I always regarded those as "tender mercies" and a witness that God really does know what I need and when I need it.
Stephanie BillingsleyAugust 22, 2019
We're all better for having known Darla, even if only through her writing. I am blessed to have had her in my ward family for many years and will miss her dearly. She has now joined quite a remarkable group of women from our ward on the other side and I smile at the thought of that sweet reunion and all the work they must be doing. Her life is a testament to trusting in the Lord and His goodness. What a blessing to remember even just a bit of her wisdom each day. Love you, Darla. See you again one day.
Linda WattsAugust 22, 2019
I MUST make the arduous effort of using the keyboard. My "feeble hands that hang down" have been aptly and abundantly reminded of the availability of "strength beyond my own" as I've read your inspired/inspiring tribute to Darla, as well as How to Make the Sacrifice of a Broken Heart by H.Wallace Goddard. As I face the frustrations of muscle deterioration insidiously imposed on my body by IBM [inclusion body myositis], what I've read has refueled my fortitude tank and deepened my reverence for the absolute reality of individual/personal strength and peace accessed through the immense/infinite atonement of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I am greatly grateful for the free newsletter [which, I'm sorry to say I only recently have opened...having thought it was one of manymanymany health solicitors I see daily :| I open yours now. Again, THANK YOU! [just "for the record" - it took an hour to type this. May knowing that help you know of my sincere appreciation]
Nicholeen PeckAugust 22, 2019
This is such a fitting article to memorialize a wonderful woman! Darla wrote an article about me years ago and I got to feel her heart in the process. She was full of love for me and for all the people who would read her article. She truly wanted to make the world a more beautiful place. If it weren't for Darla I don't think I would be writing for Meridian. Even though we haven't talked much in recent years, I will always consider her a friend. I think she was the kind of person who was a friend to all who knew her. Darla will be missed!
Michael Shea, MDAugust 22, 2019
Thank you for the lovely eulogy. I always looked forward to Darla Isakson’s articles, filled with memorable prose and solid common-sense wisdom as they were. I don’t think I have found any better way of learning practical religion from reading and pondering her words. I am grateful for the gifts she had and for her willingness to use them for the benefit of her readers, for anyone willing to listen. I did not know her, but I will miss her.
Debbie BakeAugust 22, 2019
Thank you for this beautiful synopsis of Darla's inspiring words. May her spirit continue to influence and bless on both sides of the veil...
Arlene Larsen BascomAugust 22, 2019
Thank you Maurine for your kind, special tribute to my wonderful sister. I was uplifted, and comforted and some of my grief was lifted by your beautiful words. They did a lot to remind me of Darla's faith, words of wisdom, and the influence she has had on me and so many others.. It is inspiring to know that she had such remarkable friends as you and Scot, and that you valued her writing and personality as much as I did. I love Meridian and will forever be grateful for you and Scot and the work you do with Meridian and all your other endeavors.
RitaAugust 22, 2019
Darla's articles were always the first ones I read on the day they came out, and I have forwarded many of them to friends and family going through difficult times. She has been one of the 'tender mercies' the Lord affords us in this life, and will continue to be as her insights and humor are read and re-read.
RitaAugust 22, 2019
Thank you!
Jennie HansenAugust 22, 2019
Long before Darla began writing for Meridian, she accepted my first novel at Covenant Communications. I first met her when I assisted her at a library function and she persuaded me to withdraw that book from a New York publisher and submit it to her instead. I've never regretted that decision. She was a great friend and mentor during that early part of my novel writing career and I later enjoyed reading her contributions to Meridian. She will be greatly missed here, but I have no doubt she will quickly become a part of furthering the Lord's work on the other side as she did here.
Sheila WallAugust 22, 2019
Maurine, thank you for this beautiful tribute to my life-long mentor and dear friend. Sending you a spiritual hug as we both grieve her. I am so happy that she is no longer suffering and she is free to run and climb mountains and do all that her body limited her from doing. I'm selfishly sobbing like a child who can't catch her breath, and I'm so sad for her husband and family. I will be praying for them and for you and all of Darla's loved ones. I occasionally looked for her obituary, as I didn't want to disturb her and and take more of her energy by calling her or her husband, and yesterday I decided I would call and found her phone number. That was the day she passed! I must have had some prompting from the Lord. The call was not made. It would have been bad timing if I had called. Darla and I have a mutual friend who was precious to us, she passed a few years ago, and I can imagine them embracing. I am so grateful to know that we can be together again someday. We have lost a light to the world. I hope you will keep her page up with her articles on it so we can refer back to her words of comfort and wisdom.
Ann-Marie JensenAugust 22, 2019
I love Darla's take on the spiritual blessings she received from her trial with cancer. It often gives me pause when we fast and pray for someone's well being in the midst of a tragic event. When that event turns out to our liking, comments often sounds like this: "God is merciful." "God is mindful of us and our needs." "God loves us." How about when that event ends in death? We are wise to echo the same sentiments! I truly appreciate President Nelson's attitude about death. It is a necessary part of The Plan and one of the few ways for us to step into the next sphere of our existence. Darla will continue to be a marvelous example of faith and understanding beyond her own ability. Thanks for the beautiful tribute, Proctors.
Guy WilcoxAugust 22, 2019
I have always saved her articles for future reference as I do so often! Her courage during the last months are a wonderful example as we all should have! I will cherish her words now more than ever!
Janie BrayAugust 22, 2019
What a sweet article about a dear friend of yours. You have passed on, through her words, the hope we all for eternity, the truth that Heavenly Father loves us, and that even in our imperfect state, we need to trust in our perfect Heavenly Father and His plan for each one of us. Tears come to my eyes as I read this article, the love you shared for each other and our Heavenly Father is so apparent. Even in time of loss, there is always the positive, providing we are willing to look for it. Our Heavenly Father blesses us each and every day, but we have to be open in our hearts and minds to see it. Thank you and bless you for your podcasts. A group of us meet each Sunday and have lunch together and share the message of the podcasts, and our hopes and dreams. I will close this message to you with a BIG THANK YOU! and something I do for those I meet -HUGS
Stephen SmithAugust 22, 2019
I am sad and happy to hear of Sis. Isakson's passing. I have read many of her articles and saw great insight and wisdom in them. Some of the things she discussed I learned of first hand in my own battles with cancer. I too will miss her deep insights to gospel principles but I believe she is now free of earthly pains and sorrows and feels much more greatly God's love enveloping her in the realm of spirits. I shed a tear for her, for her family and loved ones, and express my deepest condolences to them all. God bless. We will miss her greatly.
Ann SiggardAugust 22, 2019
My heart is truly saddened today. I consider Darla a true friend, even though we have never met! I have feasted at her table of wisdom and experience for many years and my life has changed for the better because she shared her wonderful gifts and insights about our relationship with the Lord! Trust on!!
Kate MerrillAugust 22, 2019
Blessed Darla -- Your words and wisdom reached me in ways needed and yearned for . . . in ways that have given me connection and validation as I navigate the challenges of mortality and spiritual growth. May those words continue to reach others aching to be understood, to feel connected, and to discover hope again. Rest, explore, fly sweet Darla!
KarenAugust 22, 2019
Thank you for sharing this about my Aunt Darla. She has a gift with words and we are fortunate to have eaten at her table of wisdom that she was able to share with us.
Diane IrwinAugust 22, 2019
What a wonderful woman!! I have LOVED her articles. And this article you wrote is the cherry on top. What a marvelous tribute to her. She will be missed.
TerryAugust 22, 2019
Thank us for letting us know her just a little through her writings.
Cynthia M. MoorheadAugust 22, 2019
Thank you for this beautiful article and letting us know about Darla's passing. I have been reading her articles on Meridian for many years and will miss them. I have her book--it has been a blessing to me. What a wonderful example of faith and trust in the Lord she has been!
Doris WilliamsAugust 22, 2019
Maurine, this article was the first thing I read this morning. My heart just melted with love and gratitude for the truths Darla espoused all these years on Meridian.....but also for YOUR words, for your inspired editorship and guidance of Meridian which is a lifeline for so many of us....for your good husband, Scot, for his uplifting, spiritually soaring photographs and words, for your shared podcast, Come Follow Me, which we have shared with our ward and family, and for the precious gospel, restored to the earth, and for all who teach, and share their insights and testimonies. I am eternally grateful.
Nyemahame D NyenweneAugust 22, 2019
Every word that I have read about Darla has just been uplifting. Thank you for writing this article. I believe it makes more sense to me because of the difficult time I am facing having just lost my Dad of cancer a month and 7days today. It's been a three and a half year battle with laryngeal Cancer. The experience has also been much spiritual. I know my Dad is in a better place now. I have been given strength through your message. Thank you
DeNile williamsAugust 22, 2019
I can't begin to tell you how much this article touched me emotionally and spiritually. I feel that I need to read this article over several times on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis. The courage and strength to overcome our earthly obstacles seems less of a challenge from the "medicine" given. Thank you ever so much for the good that you are doing in the excellent articles that I look forward to with great anticipation each e-mail. Your e-mail articles are the most important email s that I receive. Sincerely, DeNile Williams
Scott C.August 22, 2019
Though she has passed on from mortality, her messages and insight will last forever. I look forward to re-reading her articles and I will do so with the knowledge that she has now sealed her testimony with how she lived her life. I've never met Darla personally but I feel I know her. Thank you Darla for your example, and thank you Proctor's for publishing her works!
Susanne DavidsonAugust 22, 2019
What a beautiful story of the life of this fine woman, Darla. I am soup.ifted by reading this of her strength, her hope, her trust in God, her love and charity, that I will try to do and be a better person. THANKYOU Darla for your great example, your life of loving, giving, serving, doing for others . May God bless you and help us all to remember the lessons you taught us.
ShielahAugust 22, 2019
Darla will be greatly missed. Her words of encouragement and gospel truths will echo long after her death. I am so thankful to her for always choosing poignant topics that touch lives much beyond her own. We miss you, Darla.
Tanya NeiderAugust 22, 2019
All of us readers of Meridian Magazine will miss Darla! Her voice has carried us through trials, joys, and given us hope along the way. My condolences to all who knew her.
Charles McClellandAugust 22, 2019
Thank you, Maurine, for this heart touching memorial to Darlene. I am forwarding it to a loved one who will be uplifted by what you wrote.