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April 18, 2024

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CourtenayAugust 15, 2019

I love what you have shared. Thank you. It's certainly far overlooked in today's society, especially for the unborn. I would encourage returning to God His rightful place in our society, adhering to the Constitution of the United States and elected representatives that keep their oath to the Constitution. Asking the UN to "provide and enforce" God-given rights that have been abused because we are neglecting our God, will not be enough. And, the UN is also very committed to abortion, sterilization and experimentation on 3rd world populations. I'm not holding my breath that they are the answer.

HalAugust 14, 2019

Thank you for this wonderful insight. I was a child of divorced parents - my junior high and high school years were very difficult for lack of a father. I vowed that I would never divorce and would be the perfect husband and father. I even majored in psychology with an emphasis on marriage and family counseling. Little did I know the role free agency would play and, unfortunately, my own first marriage ended in divorce to the detriment of all involved - especially our children. I'm not sure what I could have done differently (although I'm sure there was something), but I got a second chance with my current marriage and our focus has been teaching our children the blessings of being devoted to each other.

JasonAugust 11, 2019

I think rephrasing a lot of this as parental responsibilities would be better. The desired results would be the same. The proliferation of "Rights” these days has become a tool to project a lot of governmental control. "Rights" have become abused in essence.

Amanda RoweAugust 10, 2019

I work as a Family Support Worker in Essex England, every day I see in action the exact things you describe here. I try to support families through the principals I have grown up with as a member of the church as I know they are divine principals and that if lived by would literally Change the World. Thank you for writing your thoughts in such a clear, insightive and positive way. You have voiced everything I know to be true.

vjAugust 9, 2019

Excellent article!



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