Thank you, Bro. Proctor, for sharing these in July & for re-sharing
them during Constitution Week (Sept. 17 & thereafter). We members
of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have a responsibility
to study and promote the divinely inspired Constitution. We cannot
follow it if we do not know what it says. Hillsdale College's free on-line
course, Constitution 101, is excellent.
Larry SteimleJuly 4, 2019
What is our responsibility in protecting this great gift we have been given? First to be informed, to appreciate, then to teach our children and show them the way. God bless America.
July 3, 2019
Words of our prophets. The Constitution and free republic granted by heaven through the instrumentality of inspired and courageous framers and founders carries the responsibility to uphold the principles they were willing to sacrifice for. Thank you for sharing.
Jo AnnJuly 2, 2019
I am going to post one of these a day on Facebook and also send them to my children and grandchildren. I think a lot of members of the Church do not know what our prophets have taught us about the Constitution and the men and women who developed this country.
Newell HarwardJuly 2, 2019
Thank you for those very inspirational quotes. I am so grateful to all who have sacrificed so much for our liberty I am saddened to witness a rapid decline in patriotism and a move toward socialism.
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Roberta PetersonSeptember 21, 2019
Thank you, Bro. Proctor, for sharing these in July & for re-sharing them during Constitution Week (Sept. 17 & thereafter). We members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have a responsibility to study and promote the divinely inspired Constitution. We cannot follow it if we do not know what it says. Hillsdale College's free on-line course, Constitution 101, is excellent.
Larry SteimleJuly 4, 2019
What is our responsibility in protecting this great gift we have been given? First to be informed, to appreciate, then to teach our children and show them the way. God bless America.
July 3, 2019
Words of our prophets. The Constitution and free republic granted by heaven through the instrumentality of inspired and courageous framers and founders carries the responsibility to uphold the principles they were willing to sacrifice for. Thank you for sharing.
Jo AnnJuly 2, 2019
I am going to post one of these a day on Facebook and also send them to my children and grandchildren. I think a lot of members of the Church do not know what our prophets have taught us about the Constitution and the men and women who developed this country.
Newell HarwardJuly 2, 2019
Thank you for those very inspirational quotes. I am so grateful to all who have sacrificed so much for our liberty I am saddened to witness a rapid decline in patriotism and a move toward socialism.