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Comments | Return to Story
Nihla Wilcox JuddJune 6, 2019
I will be reading this article again and again. Thank you for teaching correct principles and eternal truths. The one scripture you chose to quote has been a favorite of mine for as long as I can remember. I loved it the first time I read it. It resonates deeply with me. Thank you for reminding me of truthful solutions.
HalJune 6, 2019
Thank you for this article. Our own experience is with a reclusive neighbor who has rebuffed our overtures of friendship for over ten years. Recently, however, circumstances have provided opportunities for our family to provide subtle service to this beloved child of God. Those small acts of loving service has soften hearts and opened avenues for conversations with our neighbor that seemed impossible even a few short months ago. We are looking forward to building a wonderful relationship with our "new" old neighbor.