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January 15, 2025

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A.M. WestMay 3, 2021

Your article reminded me of something I read in the Recommendations Section of View of the Hebrews (1823): “One of the impressions which this work is calculated to make is, the awful guilt and danger contracted by a rejection of Jesus Christ as our atoning Saviour." [Christian Watchman, published in Boston] I believe there is a common theme in your article. Interestingly, my sister has had that painting of the Second Coming (featured in your article) in her living room for 40 years. When I first expressed some doubts about The Church, she read Alma 1:24-25 to me. (I think this scripture would go well in your article). She read this scripture to me, I believe to shame me because I was starting to question things. But she wouldn't allow me to share the definition of three words with her: 1) Bias 2) Indoctrination 3) Uncritically Regards, A 64 year-old member struggling with faith, and being alienated by the the five people closest to me: My wife, two sisters, a brother-in-law, and a close friend of 40 years. (Their treatment of me does not reflect a Christianity I understand).

Gary LindnerMay 30, 2019

Wonderful article! Glad I noticed your name and remembered your many insightful comments during Sunday School. I will have to try and follow you (though I am too old to figure out what that means). We miss you guys! Say Hi to Michael and keep up the good work.



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