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February 15, 2025

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Richard BowermanMay 24, 2019

As a young man, I wanted to serve in Brazil, because that was the highest baptizing country in the world. Instead, I was called to the lowest baptizing mission in the world, France Paris. It was humbling, to say the least. But for me it turned out to be the absolute best place I could ever have been called to--I grew so much during those two years, because I had to rely on the Lord each and every day. I am so thankful for an inspired call.

ObserverMay 23, 2019

I think it was President Monson (if I remember correctly) who said the biggest the Lord uses on where to send a missionary is based on who his/her Mission President will be.

Lynette MillsMay 23, 2019

I raised my kids in calif but now live in Utah. When my daughter put in her papers I didn’t ask her where she wanted to go, I asked her where she didn’t want to go. She answered quickly ... Temple Square! She thought it wasn’t really a mission. So of course that where she was called. And also of course, she loved it and when she was done labeled it the best mission in the church. Serving the Lord has a way of making a person grateful and happy no matter where they are. And I’m sure she had some excellent leaders who cared for her and taught her well. I love the missionary program.

SarahMay 23, 2019

I have spent my life living in places that are in missions that do not sound like they would get a lot of huge cheers of excitement when the call was read. I have often thought over the years how grateful I am for the missionaries who serve where I live-- they are very much needed and are such a blessing to God's precious children who may happen to live in a "flyover" location. Thank you for writing this!

Janene ZimmermanMay 23, 2019

You hit this spot on! Missionary life is one amazing yet difficult ride! The leadership of each mission is so critical for each missionary serving. The growth that comes from serving the Lord full time cannot come from any other experience.



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