Thank you for your insights. I always enjoy your articles and learn from them. Thanks for sharing.
Patricia PottsMarch 15, 2019
Thank you for letting us walk with you through your experiences you shared five stories that made you so real and so able to relate to the rest of us. You brought charity and obedience to the Forefront as something we desire and benefit from. Thank you for who you are and how you share. Love, Patricia
MichaelMarch 10, 2019
Thank you for this beautiful article! It is inspiring and greatly needed. One small correction - Alma 26:11 is Ammon speaking
rebkotMarch 8, 2019
What a beautiful article! It filled me with joy. I believe that we must do all the things you talked about to gain charity, but I also believe it is only fully achieved as a gift from the Savior. "...Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ;" Moroni 7:48. We must do as much as we can as you have described, and we must pray with all our energy that Charity will be bestowed upon us.
TerryMarch 8, 2019
This is one of the most powerful pieces I have ever read. Thank you for writing it.
DrewMarch 8, 2019
Thanks for your article! I felt like I needed it this morning. I love what you said to that clerk. I am going to steal that line if it is OK with you!
Comments | Return to Story
Roxanne dupliseaMarch 16, 2019
Thank you for your insights. I always enjoy your articles and learn from them. Thanks for sharing.
Patricia PottsMarch 15, 2019
Thank you for letting us walk with you through your experiences you shared five stories that made you so real and so able to relate to the rest of us. You brought charity and obedience to the Forefront as something we desire and benefit from. Thank you for who you are and how you share. Love, Patricia
MichaelMarch 10, 2019
Thank you for this beautiful article! It is inspiring and greatly needed. One small correction - Alma 26:11 is Ammon speaking
rebkotMarch 8, 2019
What a beautiful article! It filled me with joy. I believe that we must do all the things you talked about to gain charity, but I also believe it is only fully achieved as a gift from the Savior. "...Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ;" Moroni 7:48. We must do as much as we can as you have described, and we must pray with all our energy that Charity will be bestowed upon us.
TerryMarch 8, 2019
This is one of the most powerful pieces I have ever read. Thank you for writing it.
DrewMarch 8, 2019
Thanks for your article! I felt like I needed it this morning. I love what you said to that clerk. I am going to steal that line if it is OK with you!